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A thunderous voice wakes Andrea up from the peaceful sleep she was trying to have. It took her a few seconds to conclude that it is raining - again. She heaved a sigh and force herself to sit up and switch-on the small lamp situate on the side table's chest. Her eyes drift towards the small alarm clock resting beside the lamp. She looked around the room, the only source of light is the lamp or the flashes of lightning which entered her room after every other second – besides that it looked like it was night time. Maybe her clock had stopped working.

She frowned and curiously step out of her comfortable and warm bed. As soon as her feet touch the floor, a shiver went down her spine. Cold. The floor is just too cold for her liking. She sigh, of course, it is. Winters are just around the corner and this rain isn't helping much either.

Andrea hates winters. Everything is just too cold and colorless during winters for her. The streets and parks go lull, there is just snow all around. Everything goes dull and dry when winters come.

She tiredly stepped away from the bed and walks to the window and drew the light-fabric white curtains apart to see it's raining cats and dogs. A gasp left her mouth as she looked at the sky – it is overcast with thick gray clouds. She could see the lines of lightning in the sky. The thunder clapped and it caused her heart to race. She could hardly see the house in the front – it's all just too foggy. It is too dark that it looks like it's night time. Yet another louder than before – thunder clapped startling her. She gasped as she felt her heart in her throat. Andrea stepped away from the window – she is not a big fan of thunders, storms, and darkness.

Three continuous horrifying claps of thunder stirred the fear in her. She has never seen such a thunderstorm in her entire life, it was just something to a new level.

The very next minute – she heard a cry – a child's cry. Baron. She turned around and hastily walked out of her room. As she walked downstairs, she saw the kitchen's light on. She could also hear the television, something about the weather is on. As she reached downstairs, she sees Phil, her elder brother, sitting on the couch – carefully listening to the news. He didn't even acknowledge her presence. He was still in his knee-length shorts and a white T-shirt. He looked worried.

"Hey baby, it's okay. Everything's okay. Mommy's here." Andrea's attention was drifted to the kitchen, as she heard Haley cooing Baron. Andrea's heart sinks as she heard Baron's weeping and hiccups. Poor baby.

Andrea slowly walked to the kitchen to see Haley trying to feed Baron something from a bright blue plastic bowl. Haley's back is facing her – she must have sensed Andrea's presence as she turned around, "Oh look, what have you done, little guy. You woke up Aunt Andy." She tickles Baron's chubby neck, causing him to giggle. It was a relief to see that he had stopped crying for a minute.

Andy chuckled, "Oh look, who's up?" she spoke to her nephew – Baron giggled and leaned in towards Andy. She carefully picked him up in her arms and wiped the tear off his small and chubby face.

"Good morning, baby boy." Andy whispered in his ear and kisses his chubby cheeks, "Not the best morning, I must add." She added.

"True. Baron hardly slept. Thunder scares him. Today's weather is just too – scary." Haley said while rubbing her arm.

Andy nodded, "I have never seen such darkness during the daytime before. I seriously thought it was the night when I woke up." I add.

"Yes, I've heard something about the storm on television last night," Haley informs as she continues feeding Baron, who is still in Andy's arms.

Storm. Andy just wants to go back home. Since Haley fell pregnant with Baron, Andy has been spending almost everything weekend with them in Toronto. Although she lives in Mississauga with her mother, father, and a younger brother.

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