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loud cries echoed off the walls of the now empty house. Schlatt laid on the couch, arm covering his eyes, just like he was before he lost two more comrades. it was only him and Travis. the younger boy, Travis, sat at the table. he was hugging himself tight as tears ran down his once happy face. the both of them were terrified. but... sadly, Schlatt knew who was next. the one who didn't deserve it. he slowly looked over at the table and looked at Travis. slowly, he stood up and walked over. "Travis..." Schlatt whispered. a hesitant hand gently rested on the other's back. he felt him flinch. Travis slowly looked over to Schlatt with teary eyes. it broke Schlatt's heart.

the sound of the chair squeaking filled the quiet air as Schlatt pulled it out. taking a seat, he sat sideways to face his final friend beside him. god. this hurt so bad. "Travis it'll be okay..." he whispered. but as he went to go reach for him, he felt Travis wrap his arms tight around Schlatt. Schlatt never liked to be touched, but this.. it felt comforting, especially with all the feelings bottling up inside of him. he found himself hugging back. that's when his normally intimidating eyes started to tear up. Travis couldn't help but to continue to cry.

the sound of laughter came from the sidelines as Schlatt finished up his kill. wiping his sweat and bloody forehead with his suit, he pulled out a spray paint can. that's when he drew a bright yellow smile on the now dead, bleeding out body. he was proud of himself. feeling his horns poke at his cheeks, Schlatt grinned and turned over to his new comrades. the six of them stood proud. Charlie, Carson, Ted, Noah, Travis and Cooper. together they were the Lunch Club, a gang Schlatt has been dying to make for ages. he could only chuckle at the looks on their faces. "and that, my friends, is how you kill the Schlatt way. when we're back home i'll let you in on some more information." Schlatt said. the six agreed.

Travis gently tugged on Coopers sleeve as they followed Schlatt to their house deep in the forest. "hey... is it just me, or is Schlatt really cool?" Travis whispered over to Cooper. the other glanced at him and chuckled. "you're a little fan boy." Travis could only smile and look down at their feet. Ted, Noah, Charlie and Carson had their own conversations. talking about how easy the kill was, everything you would expect to hear from them. Schlatt lead the group with a proud look on his face. the horns that once curled around his face started to slowly go back. though he felt light headed, Schlatt continued on. the Lunch Club was something Schlatt vowed to make the best.

as Schlatt sat with Travis, hugging each other quietly, Schlatt soon pulled away. "hey... i have a little gift. i want you to stay right here." Schlatt explained as he slowly got up from the seat and towards his office. Travis nodded and gently wiped his tears with his sweater sleeves. as Schlatt opened the door, he looked around and let out a soft sigh. his eyes turned to his shelf where there stood a can of bright yellow spray paint. it was the can he used that day. gently taking it into his hands, Schlatt looked down at it with awe in his face. it was almost as if he could remember using it that day, turning to his comrades, seeing the look on their faces... taking in a deep breath, Schlatt started to walk out. "now, in case i'm the one to go next... i wanted to give this to you for memories-" he explained as he looked down. "Travis, thank you for being a-" but suddenly he stopped. the can of spray paint fell out of his hands and hit the ground with a clatter. no... no... he was just right there where- where-

"TRAVIS?!" Schlatt suddenly screamed. panic filled his face as he suddenly felt lightheaded. the sound of his boots hitting the tiled floor filled the air as Schlatt ran around the house. the bathroom, his room, ANYONES room. "Travis?! Travis this isn't funny!" Schlatt said, a slight panicked chuckle leaving him. tears started to fill his eyes. there was no trace of the boy. nothing. not even a note. as Schlatt ran to the front, he stared out into the endless maze of trees the house was buried in. he felt himself fall to his knees as he held his head. a scream left him. "WHY?!" Schlatt yelled. a loud sob left him as he gripped his hair. leaning over the grass, he felt his body shake. this isn't happening. this is not real. tears ran down Schlatts face as he sat there crying. everyone was fucking gone. he was the last... of this group he swore to protect...

"its time to kill, boys!" - lunch club mafia.Where stories live. Discover now