Chapter Two

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Chapter 2


After y/n had made her sudden exit I turned and looked at my brother, he had the same confused look on his face. "do you think she's alright?" I asked worried, his confused frown slowly turned into a smirk "I think the potion effects people who aren't attracted to anyone too" he replied, I turned and looked at the bedroom door "you reckon?" he nodded "come on Freddie, I wasn't the only one who saw her" he teased. I felt the tips of my ears getting hot, I swallowed. The image of y/n standing up came into my mind. I adjusted myself in my seat. "You good?" George asked knowingly, my only response was a curt nod; not trusting myself to speak.

George and I finished the muggle movie, we thoroughly enjoyed it, and both got ready for bed. After saying goodnight we went into our rooms. I quietly opened the door not to disturb y/n sleeping and crept over to the inflatable mattress I was currently calling my bed. I got into bed and turned over ready to sleep. After a few minutes of tossing and turning I sat up frustrated. A few moments later y/n started moving around in bed catching my attention, the light of the streetlamp coming through the curtains made the outline of her in bed only just visible. She was moving an awful lot. I yawned and lied back down, starting to feel tired. As my eyes closed, I heard a nose that made me open my eyes wide. It was a moan. I held my breath trying to not make any noise, I must have been hearing things. Until it happened again; it was y/n. Her breathing was fast and ragged, I let out the breath I was holding. My face started to burn. Her fast breathing and moans were all I could focus on; I was debating leaving the room and sleeping on the sofa, but I didn't want to make a sound. A movement in my sweatpants told me that I did need to leave the room, and fast. I quietly got out of bed and tiptoed over to the door and put my hand on the doorknob, as I was about to open it y/n moaned again. However, it wasn't just an ordinary moan, she was moaning a name, my name. Y/n moaning my name had, to put it bluntly, turned me on. I felt my own breathing become faster and I knew I had to get out of the room. I looked over my shoulder at y/n tossing and turning and I felt myself stiffen. There was the girl I had had feelings for, and had had them for a long time, in my bed, moaning my name. I took a shaky breath and ran my hand through my hair and left the room.


I woke up early the next morning. Memories of my dream still fresh in my mind. I had had a sex dream. A sex dream about Fred. I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face in the pillow, things had just got a lot more complicated. Sure I had had sex dreams before...and of people I knew...Adrian Pucey when I was in 5th year...Oliver Wood that one time before a quidditch match...but never Fred. I rolled over onto my side and saw that Fred wasn't in the room, I checked the clock and realised it was not as early as I had thought it was, in fact, it wasn't early at all. It was midday. I quickly got ready to face the day, and to face Fred. Butterflies in my stomach...or anxiety...regardless I was hella nervous to leave the bedroom.

Once I had plucked up the courage to leave the bedroom, I saw George sitting on the sofa with his feet on the coffee table. "Feet of the table" I teased him, and he chuckled, putting his feet on the floor "morning...or should I say afternoon! Sleep well?" he asked, I felt nervous at the question, "yeah I did actually, yourself?" George replied that he had slept like a baby but had had a dream about Keanu Reeves I laughed "yeah that man's magical" I replied. I walked over to the kitchen to make some brunch "Oh, y/n?!" George called over his shoulder "yeah Georgie?", George turned around on the sofa, so he was facing me and put his arms on the back on the sofa "the potion? Do anything for you?" he asked, his voice slightly teasing. I faced him and leant on the kitchen counter "yeah a bit not gonna lie" I said coyly, not wanting to give too much away. He raised an eyebrow "oh yeah? Who for?" he asked curiously. I suddenly felt panicked, I couldn't tell him Fred, but then George was the only other person there....but... and idea came into my head, I turned back around and poured myself a cup of coffee "Keanu Reeves...told you that guy was magical" when I turned back around, coffee cup in hand, I saw George looking at me unconvinced, he narrowed his eyes at me for a moment before turning back round on the sofa "fair enough y/l/n, you're probably the only woman out there to get horny over some lad in a film" he replied. I chuckled "nah Georgie, I don't think so".

Once I had finished my brunch, I poured myself another cup of coffee and sat myself down next to George. I was curious as to where Fred was. "Where's thing 2?" I asked, George looked at me and shrugged "not sure, he wasn't here when I woke up". That was odd, Fred almost never left the house without telling George. He couldn't be at the shop as it was their day off today. Then it dawned on me; he was probably with Angelina. I felt my heart drop slightly but ignored it. "what do you wanna do today Georgie?" I asked, I needed to be kept busy. George looked away in thought for a moment about to say something before the front door to the flat busted open and Fred stormed in. He looked like he was in a fowl mood. "Where you been Freddie?" George asked innocently "fuck off George" Fred replied before storming to the bedroom and slamming the door. George and I turned to face each other "bloody hell, what's gotten into him?" I asked, George looked at bewildered at me "I've not got a clue, but I don't really wanna stick around to find out" he stood up "Leaky Cauldron?" he suggested, I stood up. "Absolutely" I replied. Being best friends with Fred for 10 years I knew to get out of his hair when he was angry, angry enough to shout at George anyway.


I lied on my actual bed, staring at the ceiling. I felt guilty for snapping at George, but he was just collateral damage. I had broken up with Angelina, because of my feelings for y/n, and I come back and she's getting cosy with my fucking twin. After a few minutes I felt myself calm down and decided to go and apologise to my brother, but me being calm didn't last that long. I looked around a flat and saw that George and y/n had gone. Jealously overwhelmed me. I slumped myself down on the sofa and crossed my arms. Images of what my brother and the girl I had feelings for invaded my mind and placed my head in my hands and groaned. A few moments later the door opened, it was y/n. "Oh...Fred" she said, surprised. "Date cut short?" I spat; her face fell "what date?" she asked. She's definitely playing dumb. "with George?" I answered rudely. Her worried look turned into one of amusement and she started giggling "what?" I asked annoyed. She shook her head and me and continued to giggle "y/n, what?" she stopped giggling but was still smiling "we weren't going on a date you daft git. We were going to The Leaky Cauldron because after being your best friend for 10 years I've found its best to leave you alone when your angry enough to scream at your brother". After she said that I felt like an idiot, and I felt guilty. "I...I broke up with Angelina" I said, y/n looked at my sympathetically, however it didn't reach her eyes "Oh?" I nodded I turned to face her "she wasn't too happy" I tried to joke, she chuckled "couldn't imagine anyone would be if they were dumped by Fred Weasley" she blushed slightly after she finished her sentence. God she was beautiful. She cleared her throat "would you like to join us at The Leaky Cauldron? I forgot my purse" she asked, I stood up and nodded. "Don't worry about your purse, it's on me".

"I BLOODY HATE YOU, FRED WEASLEY!" - BEING CONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now