Galloping softly, the sounds of people surrounded you, lanterns hanging from each building. You watched, listening in to each conversation that passed you by. Pulling your hood down, you felt a bubbling feeling of excitement ignite inside you. Passing by a couple bars, you peaked in to see people drinking and laughing, encouraging a giggle to escape your lips.
Sliding down from your horse, you tied him against the nearest post and entered the bar. The sound of people trying to shout over the music blasting as you opened the door.
"Who's that?" you heard someone whisper to your right, looking over, you were greeted by the smile of a blonde sitting next to a dark haired boy.
"I don't think I've seen you around before." he motioned for you to sit with them, which you cautiously did.
"Good evening." you smiled, "I am not from around here. I would be very grateful if you could perhaps familiarise me with the Kingdom."
The boys looked at each other, laughing slightly at how formal you sounded.
"Yeah sure, I'm Denki, this is Sero."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Denki and Sero. I am-" you paused, "I'm Y/n"
"Well, Y/n, where do you live?" Sero asked.
If you weren't nervous before, now you were even more.
"Uh, just some place, you won't know it. I arrived here tonight." you were definitely a bad liar. The boys shared a glance once more.
"That explains it, I would definitely remember a face like yours." Denki smirked.
"I, uh...thank you?"
You spoke to the two boys for a while, they explained the layout of the kingdom and told you were the nearest hotel was. It felt good to have such a casual conversation with strangers, no bowing, no exaggerated manners, you could just be yourself. After a while, you felt yourself grow tired and waved goodbye to them.
"I'll see you around, Y/n."
"Goodnight you two."
Untying the rope around the pole, you pulled the horse along, trying to remember the directions they gave you. You grew frustrated, feeling like you were just going in circles. You were almost ready to give up and as you walked pass the same shops from earlier.
As the sky got darker, fear began to cloud your head, you considered going back to the bar to find the two boys but you weren't even sure if you could find them.
A slight feeling of regret popped into your head, although tonight was probably one of the most fun nights you've had in a while, it scared you to consider sleeping on the streets. But those thoughts drifted away as you began to feel someones eyes on you.
"You lost...Princess?"
You turned to face him, holding your horse close to you.
His red eyes glowed from the alleyway, approaching you slowly.
"What are you doing here?"
Feeling slightly intimidated by his figure that towered over you, you stuttered on your words, "I just went out for a walk."
"You ran away."
"No!" you replies, but eventually sighed, "Yes."
A smirk creeped up to his lips, "You might wanna get back to your little castle, it's dangerous at night."
"Actually, I was on my way to find a hotel." you huffed. "Could you show me?"
He walked pass you, as you followed behind him keeping a meter distance. He began leading you through the city, every now and then you couldn't help but get distracted by the night life.
"Keep up." he said, frustrated by your short attention span.
He turned to face you when you didn't reply, a small smirk reaching his lips when he saw you peering into the window of the same bar as earlier, except much more lively, people dancing and singing inside.
"That looks like fun." you whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
"I thought you said you were tired."
You looked back at him with pleading eyes, "Please?"
That same bubbling feeling of excitement you felt earlier began to swirl in your stomach. "Thank you!" you grabbed his wrist, leaving your horse standing outside, and pulled him in.
"Bakugou!" someone said from across the room. You saw the man stood next to you turn to face them, realising you had never asking him his name, just now knowing it was Bakugou.
You turned to faced them, a smile showing when you recognised the two boys from earlier.
"Denki! Sero!"
"Y/n! How come you're back already." Sero said, as you both sat down at their table.
"The directions you gave me were...not the best."
"I found her along the way."
"So you came to stop by because you missed me." Denki smirked, Bakugou gave him a cold look which faded hearing your laughter.
"Do you want a drink, Y/n?" Sero asked.
You felt a bit nervous, knowing you had never drunk before, "Maybe another time."
"You're pretty brave, Y/n, if I saw a stranger like Bakugou on the street and he told me to follow him I would run the other way." Denki laughed.
"Oh, we've met before." you corrected him, but feeling both yourself and Bakugou tense up when you realised what you said, possibly giving away your real identity.
"Really? When?" Sero asked.
"You sure? Bakugou would have probably come to us bragging. You see, you don't really look like most of the girls in this part of the Kingdom." Denki added, getting a kick from Bakugou under the table.
"Um, yes, I met"
"We met at the market once, I dropped my stuff. So she helped me out." Bakugou interrupted you, telling the first lie that came to his head, however, the second part was true. He still hoped to repay your favour of not alerting the guards about him. You turned to face Bakugou, and as your eyes met, a faint smile began to show on his lips.
As the night went on, the atmosphere became more relaxed as you began to feel like you were fitting in. Denki and Sero ended up getting quite drunk, which was amusing to you but just annoying to Bakugou. But as time went on, you began to feel more and more tired.
"Lets go." Bakugou said, watching you.

Fanfiction浦ゟダ ᵖᵉʳᶠᵉᶜᵗ ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ˡⁱᵉˢ 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐩 © 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 (𝐟𝐞𝐦.) 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫