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"So they chased you into the castle?" Denki said over the loud atmosphere, carving some sort of shape into the wooden table with his blade.

"Not really, it was in that direction, but when I saw the open window I wasn't gonna miss that opportunity." Bakugou replied.

"What was it like?"

"Tsch, what do you think - snobby. Privilege was written all over that place."

"Man. Must be nice." Sero daydreamed.

"Are you kidding?"

The two men looked up at Bakugou in shock, almost in union.

"Why would you want to be locked up in a castle for your life, doing duties and shit like that. I'm free to live however I want to, by myself. No restrictions."

"Yeah but what about the food? And baths. And princesses." Denki added.

Bakugou almost spit out his drink hearing the word princess, remembering the secret meeting you shared a few days ago. Denki and Sero looked at each other in confusion.

"Who said anything about the princess?" Bakugou hissed.

"Wait. Did you see the princess?" Sero asked but was quickly interrupted by Denki.

"You saw the princess? What was she like? Did you talk to her? What was she wearing?"

Both Bakugou and Sero shot Denki and glare after hearing him ramble on.

"No, idiots, I left before anyone found me."

"Damn." Denki sighed under his breathe.

"Anyways, she's probably spoilt. She's probably got the personality of a rock."

"A hot rock."

"Shut up Denki."

Bakugou desperately tried to not give anything away, acting in his usual rude manner.

"It's getting late, we should head home. The league of villains will probably still be looking for you." Sero said, looking around.

"No doubt. They've been after him for years now." Denki added.

Bakugou was highly skilled, he was an assassin, yet no one knew apart from the people closest to him. His main objective is to destroy the league, yes, he was a murderer, but he liked the idea of fighting for the kingdoms safety. Although he doesn't show it, deep down he's good.

So far he's been able to kill off a few, it would take him time to get rid of them completely. But nothing would stop him.

Bakugou got up and left, leaving the others behind, in search of a place to stay for the night. He considered crashing at some girl's place or maybe just going to Sero's house. He wasn't phased by being homeless, to him it was just another restriction. Sighing heavily, he started walking in any a random direction.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"You didn't catch him!" Shigaraki said, his voice strained through frustration.

The dim light casted shadows below his features, he wore dark clothing almost tearing at the seams. Dirt under each fingernail, he scratched his neck impatiently.

"You know what he's like, its impossible to even lay a finger on him." Dabi spat back. "We lost him in the palace, it's just lucky we didn't get caught."

"The castle?" Tomura said, a slight raise of his eyebrows. Dabi and Toga nodded in unison, unsure of his sudden change of mood.

Shigaraki turned to face the blazing fire, the heat of it meeting his skin and his pupils began to widen.

"That reminds me. The princess just became an adult. It's finally time."

"Time for what?" Toga chipped up.

"If we kill the princess, the kingdom will fall along with her." he said, his smile reaching from ear to ear. Toga and Dabi following with a smile of their own.

"We can finally take over." Dabi added, smirking.

There was pause, the three villains had visions of their victory in their head. They could see it clearly, the kingdom being consumed by fear as the princess is murdered. The King and Queen killed not long after, leaving them to take the throne.

"The death of the princess will be the downfall of the kingdom."

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