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You adored the world almost as much it adored you, well, the little part of it you've seen. Your life was much like a fairytale, perfect parents, perfect castle. Everything seem to fit into place. Yet, it always seemed as if something was missing. You just didn't know what it was.

The golden rays of the sun danced across your cheeks, kissing you awake. Your eyelids parting slightly, pupils adjusting to the light creeping through the curtains. The silky sheets bunched around your waist as you sat up, breathing in the morning air.

"Good morning Princess." you're servant, Kirishima, said softly as he adjusted the curtains, tying the ribbon on each side.

"You don't have to be so formal, Kiri." you giggled.

His cheeks reddened for a moment before a soft laugh escaped his lips, "Alright, Y/n. Your father would like to take a walk with you through the palace ground later. The weather is beautiful today, but keep in mind that snow will begin to fall soon."

You smiled and thanked him as he left the room, and started to get ready for the day ahead. Humming to yourself as you put on a simple yet beautiful gown. You peered over to the window, looking out at the gardens, returning a few waves here and there from the gardeners.

Interrupted by your own thoughts as your mother opened the door, "Darling." she hummed, walking over to you and placing her hand on your cheek.

"Mother, you're wearing your coat. Are you going out?"

"I have some duties to attend to, petal, but I just couldn't not see you before I go." she pecked your forehead.

"Mother, I'm an adult as of yesterday, you don't have to call me petal anymore." you chuckled.

Her smile grew wide, age had been kind to her, "Yes, but what's the fun in that." she whispered, laughing slightly due to her informality, being the queen.

You returned her smile, "Have good day, mother." She nodded, smiling, and left.

The day passed quickly, you spent most of your time in the gardens with father, reliving the years you spent as a child, dancing through the gardens. Flushed with joy and satisfaction, you felt protected within these stone walls that were traced with ivy.

It was late now, you ate dinner with your parents, laughing occasionally when your mother was able to bring out the humorous side of your father. He wasn't particularly stern, but he was the King, and he was serious about what he did. Nothing could replace the love he held for you and your mother, but if there was something that could, it would be the kingdom he ruled over.

A yawned escaped your mouth as you walked into the library, a smile following. You went to sit by the fire, grabbing the nearest book, allowing yourself some downtime. Before you could even realise, the sun was down and the moon was high. You took this as a sign for you to go to bed.

You tiptoed through the hallways, finally reaching your bedroom, noticing that there was a candle glow from your bathroom. You payed no mind to it, thinking it was just Kirishima running your nightly bath.

"You're too good to me Kirishima."

The man that waited in the bathroom, tensed up, not only by the fact that someone had just entered the room he was hiding in, but by the hum of your voice.

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