9th March , Monday

Comincia dall'inizio

LE : We're going
Solji : Uh
Suga : Let's go
V : Don't look at me , I asked , I got shut down
Junghwa : It looks like they don't have feelings towards each other but it's hard to tell
Hyerin : Right
Hani : Maybe they want to spend it in a different way
JHope : Maybe
Solji : What would you do ?
JHope : Noona and Sejeong are two different person... I think I would make the day as memorable as it can , expensive or cheap
RM : Maybe they are doing that
Hani : But they seem so distant...
Jimin : Let's ignore them for awhile , we have a dinner reservation to book
Jungkook : Right
Junghwa : Anything else aside from dinner ?
JHope : Can we not drink ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Why don't we make it... order alcohol if you want , we won't order soju to share
JHope nods : ...
V : Because Hyung and Noona might want to drink
Hani : Would they ?
Hyerin : They seem out of place today
RM : Tired ?
Jimin : Maybe
Hyerin : Shouldn't YOU and Jimin be more tired ?
Solji : Let's not compare , let's plan

Suga smiles : ...
LE : You're mighty happy
Suga nods : I'm going out with Noona , of course
LE : You don't know what has been planned
Suga : Who cares ?
LE : Is this what you wish for ?
Suga : Well... at this time , quality time beats romantic gesture
LE : Because
Suga nods : Don't like it ?
LE : No , I'm okay but... it's not like you're not returning
Suga chuckles : I know , still... our lifestyle will be different
LE : Don't worry too much , you might grow white hair
Suga laughs : Haha
LE : Cute
Suga : Noona
LE : Mm ?
Suga : I'm sure I'll be a changed man after enlistment , I don't know how I will be...
LE : You will still be BTS Suga
Suga : You really know how to cut me off
LE : Yoongi-ah , I... really think you should save it for the day you leave , I don't think I can handle it now
Suga frowns : Alright , I didn't know
LE : It's okay , it's just... I don't want to talk about it now
Suga : Alright , we should talk about what you're getting me for a present
LE chuckles : My presence is a present
Suga gaps : That was good
LE laughs : Haha
Suga : Where to , your majesty ?
LE : Anywhere , as long as I'm with you
Suga : You're great , why are you being like this ? Are you taking Jimin lessons ?
LE laughs : We promised to open up more to the members , no ?
Suga : The members aren't here
LE : That's right *kiss Suga's cheek*
Suga : Ah Noona , you're making my heart pound , I can't... goodness
LE laughs : Haha
Suga : My girlfriend is going crazy
LE : 야
Suga : Oh no , oh no
LE chases Suga : I will kill you !
Suga : Not today please !
LE : Come back here
Suga laughs : No
LE : You're mean !
Suga laughs : Haha

Jongdro Lamb Skewers , 19.23...
Solji : Yes
RM : Thank you
Suga : No
LE : It's you
Suga : No , no
B.E : Hey !
LE : Hello
Suga : Hello
Hani : Oh , you're on time
LE : Very funny
JHope : Sit , birthday boy !
Jimin : Did you two have fun ?
Hyerin : Jimin , that answer is very obvious
Junghwa : Too weird , let's order
RM : What do you want to eat ?
Suga : Lamb skewers
Jungkook : Kk~
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Let's order
JHope : Actually , we have already ordered
Suga : Ah , really ?
Hani : The members knows you too well
V chuckles : Just sit and relax
Suga nods : ...
Solji : What did you guys do ?
V : Right , how did you spend your birthday ?
Suga : Nothing much
Hyerin : Don't lie~
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Suga : We took a walk around and then went shopping
Junghwa : That's all ?
Solji : It's good enough
Suga : We went to the arcade for awhile
RM : Did Hyung made you play the basketball one ?
LE nods : He did
Jungkook : Who won ?
LE points Suga : ...
JHope : Expected
Jimin : You should let Noona win
Jungkook : He won't
V : He can't
Suga : Noona did well , she was close to my score
LE : Now that is a lie
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Suga : I'm giving you pride
LE : I don't need it
Junghwa : It looks like you two had a fun date
Suga : We... let loose
Solji : Oh~
Hani : That would have been cute
RM : Noona wants to see it
Hani : There's no way Ahn LE will act like that in front of us
JHope : They have
Jimin : Right
Jungkook : Noona's just playing
Solji : What time are you leaving tomorrow ?
Suga : 5 in the morning ?
B.E : Gasp...
Junghwa : Ah , we don't get to see Oppa when we wake up
Suga : Why ? You want to send me off ?
Jungkook : That would be cool
Jimin : Then wake up early
Junghwa : I will
Jungkook : Pardon ?
Junghwa : I would wake up to send Oppa off
Suga : There's no need , Junghwa-ah
JHope : I feel a little upset
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : I sent you off
JHope laughs : Yes , thank you , Noona
RM : Hold on , what are we discussing ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Why do you want to send him off ?
Junghwa : To let Oppa feel better ?
Hani : Junghwa-ya , did you rest well ?
Hyerin : Are you still having fever ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : You don't have to
Junghwa : I have the whole day to rest , it's okay
LE : If Junghwa wants to send you off , let her
Solji : Our maknae has a mind of her own
Hyerin : 5 women , 5 minds
B.E chuckles : Hehe
JHope : It does gives off a good feeling *nods*
Hyerin : I'm upset
JHope : Ah , sorry~
B.E laughs : Ahaha
V : Noona holds grudges
Jimin : You shouldn't have angered Noona
Jungkook : Hyung , you bully
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : 야 , is it okay if we didn't get you a present ?
Suga : Isn't this the present already ?
LE : What ? Their presence ?
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Jimin : Wow , Noona~ I like that
Hani : What ?
Suga : The dinner
Solji : You don't want anything ?
Suga : No , the dinner is enough
Hyerin : You should have told us earlier !
Solji : Right , we wasted money on you
Hani : Unnie too , Unnie hates to waste money on people
V : Noona card
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Don't listen to him , seriously don't listen to him
Suga : What ?
LE : He's being annoying
Hani : We can see that
Suga gaps : Now I'm upset
B.E laughs : Ahaha
RM : What an upsetting birthday
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Oh~
Hani : Ah , Junghwa
Hyerin : 야 !
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Suga : That's how we know our food arrives
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Jungkook : It's been awhile~
Solji : Eat up
RM : Right , we're paying together either ways
Maknaes laughs : Haha

Dorms , 22.12...
LE : Be quiet
Hani : Unnie
LE : What's up ?
Hani : Was today weird for you... ?
LE : Mm... it was a little but nothing much happened
Hani : Ah , that's great
LE : Why ? Because... ?
Hani nods : I thought it might be because
LE sighs : I hope it's not
*Knocks knocks*
LE : Who's that ?
Hani : It's late
LE : Not coming in ?
Hani gets up : Scary
LE : No , no , I think it's someone
Hani : Unnie
LE : Open it , I'll throw this book at them
Hani quickly opens door : Geez
Suga pouts : ...
LE laughs : What's up ?
Hani : Don't scare me like that . Why are you acting cute for ?
Suga : Noona , I want to sleep here tonight
LE : 야...
Hani smirks : Unnie , little Yoongi wants to sleep with you . Look at him , in his pyjamas , carrying Shooky
Suga : Noona bought this for me today
Hani : Ah , really ? *looks at LE*
LE : Sigh...
Hani : Unnie , look at him
LE : Ah , hold on , hold on
Hani : Sorry , she needs to think
Suga & Hani laughs : Haha
LE : Alright , alright
Suga : Yay~
Hani : Only for you . Okay , bye , good night *close door*
LE : Nights !
Hani : Yes~ *close door*
V : That works ?
Hani : Only Yoongi to Unnie *lies down*
V chuckles : I hope you're cozy
Hani : I will be
V hugs Hani : Good night *kiss Hani's cheek*
Hani smiles : Good night
LE : You're funny but cute
Suga laughs : 'Only for you'
LE : Why ? Taehyung keeping you up ?
Suga : No , just felt like spending the night with my girlfriend
LE : Ohh , you're not going to sleep *chuckles*
Suga : Right , my brother will be fetching me so I get to rest in the car
LE : Still , you need your rest
Suga : Noona cures my tiredness
LE chuckles : What do I do with you ?
Suga : Nothing
LE : You're quite fast huh ? Wearing the pyjamas I bought you today
Suga : Noona
LE : Mm ?
Suga : What do you want to do ?
LE : Me ? For ?
Suga : For our dates
LE : I think we have discussed this , no ?
Suga : Yeah... but I want to know again
LE : Are you going crazy ? *chuckles* Mm... actually the list shortens
Suga : Mm...
LE : 야 , don't worry , we have...
Suga : All the time after *nods* Right
LE : Something simple and casual like today
Suga : Today ? Arcade ?
LE : I don't mind
Suga : I will take you to an actual basketball court
LE : It's on
Suga : Where else ?
LE : Anywhere , I don't have a wish
Suga : Right... I think I'm going to tell my parents about us
LE : Tomorrow ?
Suga : Yes
LE nods : Go ahead
Suga : I don't want to pressure Noona , so you don't have to tell your parents now if you don't want to
LE : No , I will , I will
Suga holds LE's hand : Mm
LE smiles : I have to
Suga : ... ? *smiles*
LE : Now , sleep
Suga : Already ?
LE : What ?
Suga : I have a lot of things to talk about
LE : We were together for nearly the whole day
Suga : You'll like the stories
LE : Go ahead
Suga : Now you're interested
LE laughs : Be quiet and tell me
Suga chuckles : Yes yes

Jin's discharge [D-337]

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 3 : Moving On TogetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora