Chapter 24- Ghost

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    "Wen Ning, aren't you a puppet?" Xue Yang asked the man.
"Y-yes, Young Master Wei m-made me into one," Wen Ning said.
"How did he do it? He used his amulet didn't he?" Xue Yang said.
    "Ye-yes," Wen Ning stammered.
    Xue Yang nodded, "Alright, thank you Wen Ning. And where is Wei Wuxian now?"
    "H-he's dead," Wen Ning mumbled.
    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Xue Yang said, he felt dejected that the man who could help him wasn't there.
   "It's f-fine," Wen Ning said.
   "Baba!" A voice came from afar. Xue Yang turned around and saw Yue running towards with Chenxing following.
"Yes?" He asked when they arrived.
"Baba, Chenxing has a question," Yue said.
"Go ahead," Xue Yang said.
"Can I learn how to use the Yin Iron?" Chenxing asked.
"I want to as well but Chenxing says not to," Yue said pouting.
"D-don't do i-it," Wen Ning whispered, "Young M-master Wei d-died because of i-it."
"You heard him," Xue Yang said, "your mother also didn't agree with the fact that there was still a Yin Iron. He wouldn't want you to use it."
"But-!" Yue started.
"No," Xue Yang said sternly, "I don't want you dying at such a young age."
Chenxing nodded, "I understand, come on a-Yue."
"Bu-but, Mama said to learn from Baba," Yue said.
"Maybe he meant something else," Chenxing said.
"Then does he want us to learn more about him?" Yue asked, stepping away from his older brother.
"Maybe, but let Baba and Wen Ning talk," Chenxing said calmly, he took Yue's hand and pulled him away.
Xue Yang sighed, "I'm sorry about them. They're just like me, asking questions whenever they come to their heads."
Wen Ning smiled, "N-no, it's fine."
   "So how did Wei Wuxian die? If you don't mind me asking," Xue Yang said.
    "He k-killed h-himself," Wen Ning said sadly.
    "Oh, I'm sorry then," Xue Yang said.
    "Y-you don't ha-have to apo-apologize," Wen Ning stammered.
    "Okay. Do you know how he revived you?" Xue Yang asked.
    "I w-was never d-dead."
     Xue Yang nodded, "Alright, thank you Wen Ning." He walked away leaving the man alone in the room.
    He went to Yue's room where he found the two brothers fighting. He walked inside silently and leaned on the wall, "A-Yue, you're doing it wrong."
    "Ah!" Yue screamed in surprise while Chenxing jumped.
    Xue Yang laughed, "Relax, it's just me. And you're doing it wrong, you need to lift your arm more or else all you'll end up doing is getting their stomach."
"How?" Yue asked.
"Here," Xue Yang took Shuanghua and pointed it at Chenxing, "I'm going to attack first." He attacked and Chenxing blocked instinctively, he smirked and attacked again.
This attack was different, however, so Chenxing didn't know how counterattack it. The boy ended up with the tip of the sword at his neck.
"Woah," Yue gasped, "let me try!" He took his sword back and attacked his older brother. He was blocked but didn't give up, he spun around and struck.
    Chenxing couldn't block the hit again. He wasn't familiar with these types of tricks yet, "That was good. Baba, how did you do that?"
    "Simple, I mixed a few moves together to make one move," Xue Yang explained, "YueHua used to mix multiple moves together to create a full routine. He liked to show me and use them on me all the time."
    "Did Mama like fighting with you?" Yue asked.
   "Yes. He liked having someone who was more his level," Xue Yang chuckled, "I always lost but it was fun. I learned to counter his attacks and block them, he wasn't happy about it."
    "What did he do when he was mad?" Chenxing asked.
    "Pout," Xue Yang laughed, "he wouldn't yell. If it was a-Qing he was calm and sweet. But with me he would act cute to get me to apologize and give him attention."
    "Mama says you're lying," Yue giggled.
    "He's the one that's lying," Xue Yang said playfully. He looked at the air in between the brothers and said in surprise, "I can see you YueHua."
    "How?" Chenxing asked.
    "I don't know, I just see a figure in between both of you," Xue Yang said smiling, he stepped forward and caressed the figure's cheek, "YueHua," he whispered.
    "Mama says he's here," Yue said softly.
    The figure leaned in and kissed Xue Yang softly, the man felt a soft breeze against his lips.
   Yue felt something ruffle his hair and Chenxing did as well. They looked at each other, knowing very well that it was their mother.
   "YueHua," Xue Yang whispered, "it's good to see you again." He felt a soft gust of wind hit his cheek and knew that the figure had kissed his cheek.
    "Mama says it's good to see you too," Chenxing said.
Xingchen pet the young boys' hair and smiled when Xue Yang kissed him. He kissed back gently but knew that the man wouldn't feel anything but air.
"YueHua, when are you coming back?" Xue Yang asked softly, pulling away. Xingchen shook his head in response, he didn't know.
"Will we be able to see you Mama?" Chenxing asked. Xingchen nodded, he stepped forward and stood next to Xue Yang who looked up at him.
"Mama," Yue whispered, "you look like Chenxing!"
"He does doesn't he?" Xue Yang murmured, "How long can you stay?" Xingchen put out ten fingers, then brought one down, then another.
"Ten seconds," Chenxing realized, "he can only stay for a little bit."
Xue Yang shook his head, "No, YueHua you are not leaving me again. I won't let you."
Xingchen held up the last finger and mouthed, I'm sorry, before disappearing.
"YueHua!" Xue Yang grabbed onto the empty air where his lover was and fell to the ground, "No! Not again!"
"What happened?" A voice asked, it was Song Lan.
"Mama came," Chenxing whispered, staring at the stop where his mother was, "but he left."
"What do you mean? Did you see him?" Song Lan asked.
"We saw his spirit," Xue Yang said softly, "but he left again. Why does he keep leaving?!"
"Xue Yang, he's dead," Song Lan sighed, "we need to accept that he's never coming back."
"!" Xue Yang stood up and tried to run away, but was held back by Song Lan, "Let me go!"
"Xue Yang! You can't leave!" Song Lan yelled, "Just accept it!"
"I can't," Xue Yang's voice cracked as he fell to the ground. Song Lan kneeled next to him, "I can't accept it. I try, so fucking hard! But I can't, why? I don't know! Maybe because I lost him once already and I can't bear to loose him again."
"Go and rest," Song Lan said softly, "then you can come back and talk."
"Alright," Xue Yang whispered, he stood up and walked inside, head low.

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