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For those who didn't read New Family, here's the description (If you have already Read New Family go ahead & skip to the Upadate wall since I'll explain something important.):

The loss of All for one wasn't in vain for the League of Villains; For his capture was a great cover-up for the secret quirk that had been working on that he passed on to Kurogiri. This quirk allows him to teleport people to other Dimensions, so not only could their league expand, but they could also rid of any  'PEST' that came in their way. How will they use Kurogiris new quirk to their advantage? How will young Shoto Todoroki of class 1-A become a so-called 'Fairy'? What if this new quirk has a weak spot. What if this new quirk could accidentally awaken a new power for the uprising heroes of class 1-A?

|🌸*•_.~ E P I G R A P H ~._• 🌸|
🐾[ •_.~ 0 0 ~._• ]🐾
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The League Of Villains are working on a new quirk, which will allow them to teleport any person they use the quirk on to different places, and planes of existence.

Their goal with this quirk is too relentlessly destroy the Hero's with this quirk by sending them off to different places.

There is a minor flaw & fluke to this quirk which will be exposed.

That's starting with their future successors.

Young Ochako Uraraka will find her crew mates & true potential with this quirk.

The lives of these future successors selected will be changed forever. For the better or the worse? Who knows.

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|_C O N T A I N S_|
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Gore, violence, & very slight spoilers if you haven't read up too where they get to Overdrive Ether Gear or After the Battle between All for one & All Might. I will be going off the Anime as to not spoil anything for the anime only watchers. Read at your own risk if you are not done with the previously mentioned parts

Any chapter with gore will have ®️ in the tittle, people with weak stomachs or who feel qeezy at the mention of blood, flesh, or organs please do not read those chapters. Ships that aren't canon will not be included in this book, besides a hint of Shicca(As of so far it's not canon) brought to you by Ochaco & Homura.

Also platonic cuddling.

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_______[D I S C L A I M E R]_______
None of these characters are mine, besides the side characters that I state are my own.

Ochako's quirk is one that's VERY similar to ether gear therefore she could potentially learn Ether gear since it's similar to her quirk. It's not much of a stretch of logic to believe she could learn it easily due to her body already being adaptive and used to her own quirk. Ether Gear is SIMILAR to Nen from Hunter x Hunter, but not everyone has what it takes to activate it, due too Ochako's persistent nature I don't doubt she'd be able to learn how to use it.

I will not insert myself or my characters into the story, unless it is for plot. Therefore, I will be using my scraped OC's that are decent/good.

The characters of mine that will be included will NOT be overpowered or play a major role unless for plot.

If you think this story is about me inserting my characters or the reader, you are wrong.
Of course comment roleplaying is fine, & I will be partaking in that as the characters in the story I will not use my OC's in them, only exception is the side characters I have stated are mine. (And of course Soa if you're a New Family reader)

I've always wanted to make a story about Shoto, Natsu & Gray meeting each other, so this is it. In the original plot Gray & Natsu got together & raised Shoto, & the whole of 1-A was in the guild including Aizawa, & All Might.

That wouldn't happen in the real Animes or Mangas, so I changed it drastically.
And now look at me now, making a two book series and haven't even finished the first book.

(I won't update this until I have finished New Family.)

|_ U P D A T E W A L L _|
I will be focusing on New Family only for now & when the actual first chapter is published it will be when it has officially been released on Netflix.

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