"I don't think so."

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I was thinking about doing a QnA, so put questions in the comments! And after re-reading the last chapter, I think i'm gonna try and make the characters, and story be less-shit posty and say less bad words, because I feel like this story is going on a downwards slope, so that's why the writing is a little different this chapter.


             Aizawa, Midnight, and Mic were finished planning stuff out, they all agreed that at 12:00 AM when they think the villains were sleeping, they would crash the bar and take them back to UA, (and maybe take the other villains if they are lucky), the three of them were at their respectful homes, because it was 9:00 PM. Currently Mic and Aizawa were in the living room, Aizawa was on the chair, and Mic was on the couch, and they were both mentally preparing themselves for what was coming ahead. "Aizawa?" Mic said looking down nervously, "Yeah?" "What if this plan fails?" Aizawa was taken aback by this question, usually, Mic never had second thoughts about things, especially if it was villain things. "Well," Aizawa started to speak, while rubbing the back of his head, "If push comes to shove, we'll retreat and make a new plan. Why are you having second thoughts?" "Well," Mic started, "We are going against people who killed hundreds of innocent people." "While that may be true." Aizawa said softly walking over to the couch, were Mic was currently sitting, and Aizawa took the seat next to Mic, "Atleast we know that we tried, and that's all the matters." Aizawa stated smiley softly.

With the villains

"Dabi." Toga said walking into the bar and sitting next to Dabi, "Yea Toga?" Dabi mumbled out not looking up from his phone. "I'm sorry.." "Huh?" Dabi managed to get out before looking at Toga; Toga gaze was at the floor, to avoid eye contact with him, tears appearing at the rim of her eyes. "Why are you sorry..?" Dabi said worried for her, Toga sighed averting her gaze from the floor, and meeting Dabi's eyes, "Well.." Toga squeaked, "You always seem to be mad at me, and act like I don't belong here." Dabi eyes widened, cleary seeing what his ego has done to her, "A-And.." Toga's voice breaking, "I-I know I can b-be crazy a-at t-times, a-and.." That's when Toga broke down, her tears were rolling down her face, "Toga.." Dabi said out of gulit, "It's not you at all!" After wiping off her tears, Dabi took both of Toga's hands and and intertwined them with his in a comforting way, "It's just the way everything has been these past few months." Dabi sighed letting go have her hands, and averted his gaze to the floor. "I'll just been recently remembering Natsuo, my brother, and best friend." This made Toga look up at him, Dabi never talks about his personal life, atleast not in a good way. "Yesterday was his birthday," Dabi smiled remember the memories when he shoved cake into Natsuo's face, "But, I never got to say anything to him." Dabi smiled faded when he said that, "His birthday was always his favorite holiday.." Dabi said still looking down to hide the tears that wee appearing unwantingly, "Don't worry Dabi~kun," Toga smiled softly, she then grabbed Dabi's face and started moving it to where she could see his eyes, "Maybe one day," She said smiling, "You two could meet again." Dabi chuckled softly, "As if he wouldn't scream and call me a monster." "If that did happen," Toga said letting go of Dabi's face and stood up from the bar stool, moving to the area with the couches, "I would be there to beat his ass!" She said smiling while kicking and punching the air, which made Dabi smile.

 'I'll always protect you, and Izuku no matter what.'


"I'm very sorry for my previous actions." Nezu said with his usual smile, that held a lot of mysterious behind it. Earlier, Nezu called a meeting after feeling gulity for making the three plan, and go by themselves to catch the villains, which was suppose to happen in around two hours. "I was frustrated because of the villains escaping." Nezu admitted, even though he was lying. "It's alright Nezu!" Mic screamed happily, he was the first one to talk among the three since they got there. "I forgive you Nezu," Midnight said breaking her staring contest with the desk, "I understand, you were mad." After a few seconds of silence, Aizawa sighed, "I guess I forgive you." "That's the best your gonna get." Mic laughed, which made Aizawa's heart fly. "Thank you!" Nezu said relieved, "Now, as a result for an apology from me, you guys aren't gonna do the mission by yourselves now." Those 11 words made the three feel so relieved, now they didn't have to do it by themselves, that's all they technically wanted, besides taking the villains back into custody. "Now, the heros that are going to be joining you are, Endeavor, Hawks, and All Might." 

With the villains, 30 minutes before the raid

Currently, the villains were lounging around not doing anything in particular. The only sound was the TV, and the occasional fight between Shigaraki and Kurogiri. "So," Izuku said eyeing Dabi suspiciously, "Why was there red feathers in your closet Dabi?" Dabi spit out the water he was currently drinking, and started to cough, but the echos of laughter from the other villains were so loud, you could barely hear him coughing. After a while, the fits of coughing, and laughs were over, "I- um- what d-do you mean?! There are no feathers in my bed- I mean floor! I-I mean closet!" Dabi said with his face an unusual shade of pink, he said the word closet too loud, so it  was obvious he was lying, but Izuku decided to leave it alone for now, and let the fact that the whole league now knew about the feathers now sink in.

10 Minutes before the raid

"Is everyone ready?" Whispered Aizawa, "Yes." Everyone said without any excitement, (Except for hawks because he gets to see Dabi again.)  "We are gonna raid in about 10 minutes." Midnight whispered trying to keep her voice down so the villains wouldn't hear her, even though they were far away from them.

5 Minutes before the raid

After letting the whole scenario with the feathers thing sink in, Dabi is now hiding under the sofa, while everybody else was playing Go Fish. "Don't you ever get the feeling." Kurogiri started clearly sensing something bad, "That something bad is going to happen..?" "Mamagiri, I feel like that 24/7." Izuku stated not looking up from his cards, "Go fish!!" Toga screeched happily, jumping up and down "DAMMIT!" Shigaraki screamed angrily as he threw his cards down, "Trust me, nothing bad is going to happen!" Izuku said looking up from his cards, and smiling at Kurogiri, "Whatever you say..." Kurogiri mumbled looking away from Izuku.

0 Minutes left before the raid

"Ok, lets do it in,"



"2 and 1/2" "MIC!" "Ok sorry-"



HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! Anyways, I don't know if I made this clear or not, but I do not ship Toga and Dabi together, while yes i'm a multishipper, I just see those two as brother and sister.

Also, did you like this chapter? I'll do more chapters like this without the a/n, memes, and such. 

Anyways, have a fantastic day/night/afternoon!

Word Count: 1263                              

Sentence for the day: I'm never actually sure if I have free-time, or if i'm just forgetting stuff that I need to do.   

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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