Jack Frost

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It was sooooooo good ^^ I loved it to pieces and have even begun to draw stuff from it :P As I am writing this my friend Liam (LiiamJamesRAWR) is watching me through join.me.com so I can't write anything 'bout the movie as he hasn't seen it...

Two Halves Make A Whole is coming along well, at least, the first chapter is. I have written about 1/4 - 1/3 of the chapter and I'm struggling slightly as I have a small case of Artist's block. Ow fuck just hit myself with my nail >.< Er anway I will hopefully be posting the first 2 chapters of it on Christmas day and as it turns out I'm staying with my Nana for the first half of January so don't expect anything then :)

4 days of school left, which I am glad for ^^ Then I will be going to my dad's until Christmas Eve, so that'll be interesting. Haven't stayed there in over 6 months o-o

I guess that is all for now, hoping Liam isn't still watching me type this .-. If he ever was :P

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