The Dream...💭

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I had a dream about you.
At the same time it was...
It was strange.
I didn't know what made the dream come about.
It had been years since we've spoken.
It took a while to be open about our aftermath.
To actually have conversations with people about it.
But, I hadn't done that.
The Dream

We were outside. I was outside near a dumpster talking to other people. My back was turned to the street. You came walking up behind me and called my name. I was shocked when I saw your face. My quick glimpse of your lightly melaninted skin that I miss terribly, your face adorned with freckles, your braids and your wave cap, your slim frame rectangular glasses, your black leather jacket, your baggy blue jeans, and your black sneakers... my heart dropped to my knees. Out of all people... you, came to see me...time unfreezes from me analyzing every detail of you. You had a handwritten letter in your hand and you wanted to give it to me.
"Yes." I answer to you desperately.
But... you began to get upset with me and you started yelling at me and you didn't give me the letter and you turned and stormed away.
I begged, I screamed, I cried, I pleaded for you to come back.
I wanted to know what was in the note.
But what if you couldn't tell me, or what if you weren't ready.
I was devastated because I felt like I had lost you again.
And now my eyes are watering while I'm typing this because I still don't have you.
And maybe I'm not supposed to because I lost you... but you came to me in my dream.
The only one I've had for all these years, and it's stuck with me.
What did you want sweetie?
...I'm willing to listen.

What in The Universe?💫🌐🌍💕🤷🏾‍♀️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat