The footprints were gone.

They ended a few feet from a cliff edge, and Stephen sank to his knees. The bag dropped beside him.

"Hosuh." The name felt sacred on his lips and it didn't deserve to be said by him anymore.

He didn't want to think of what Hosuh's last moments would have been, trapped at the edge of a cliff. He would've been so scared, and Stephen wasn't there –

But now Hosuh wasn't there. Stephen slowly got up in a trance like state, unable to cry. All he knew he wanted was to get out of here.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, standing up again. He clutched the bag close to his chest, muttering into the fabric. "I'm sorry..."

Where he was going he didn't know. He made his way down the edge of the cliff, feeling the ground slope beneath him. The rushing water was blasting in his ears now, making his head ache painfully. He was forced to stop when the pain was too much.

With a groan, he collapsed onto the ground. He dug his nails into the dirt, breathing heavily.

"Hosuh..." Stephen whispered, breath hitching. He felt his eyes brim with tears and they fell into the earth in rapid succession. "Hosuh...I'm sorry I...I..."

He could barely breathe, turning his head towards the sky. The tears fell quick and hard.

There was something on the bank opposite him.

His eyes didn't spot it at first, and he still wouldn't have if the rising sun hadn't shone its rays onto it. Stephen stood up, eyes widening.


Handprints that clearly were dragging their body across the bank, into what only could be a cave.

Stephen didn't think twice before climbing into the rapids, ploughing through the water. The current stung, riding all the way up to his shoulders, but he refused to let it pull him down. He pushed his way to the other side of the bank, panting.

"Please..." Stephen muttered. He followed the trail, cautiously entering the cave a few metres away. It was etched in the cliff face, almost invisible.

There, lying in the centre of the glimmering rocks, was Hosuh. Stephen let out a cry, rushing to his side and cradling his face. His skin was pale and cold, body limp and lifeless in his grip. A large gash had plucked out one of his crystal eyes, and scarred his delicate skin. It was stark against his pale complexion, still oozing a small amount of blood.

Blood, that was stained into Hosuh's clothes, his hair, his skin – he had long gashes across his body and legs.

And he wasn't breathing.

"No..." Stephen wailed, fingers searching on his neck. "Please..."

There was something. A weak, unsteady flutter against his fingertips. He didn't have long at all.

A minute at most.

Immediately, Stephen ripped open the bag beside him, eyes scanning desperately for the correct bottle. Hosuh's messy writing labelled each one paired with instructions of use, thankfully.

"Come on!" Stephen tossed the bottles to the side, skimming their words. "Revival, revival, thank god!" Stephen gripped the bottle in his hand, pulling out a spoon with the other. The red liquid jostled in the jar as he poured, glancing at the instructions.

Four spoonfuls at most, the writing read. Stephen placed the bottle to the ground, cupping Hosuh's head in his hand.

"I'm going to keep you alive, I promise." Stephen whispered. He pressed the spoon against Hosuh's lips, letting out a sob as liquid ran across the sides of his mouth rather than inside.

By The Way, Danplan OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin