I didn't ask for this distraction, but I got the tiara

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Dedicated to @that_bi_child

Now, I am aware that Hermione didn't come up with the coins till later, and the first meeting wasn't on the same day as the Hogsmeade trip, but *sticks tongue out*!


These twins are awesome, Leo thought to himself. Fred was busy brewing a special wizard-y potion, while George was helping me screw a bolt into my latest invention.

This was going to a prank for the record books, I can't wait to tell the Stolls!


"This is it." I told the group of demigods behind me.

Annabeth immediately took out a journal and some sort of measuring tape, then started writing stuff down. The others, aside from Hazel and Will, were just looking at the wall in confusion.

"Potentially load bearing..." Annabeth muttered.

"Ummm, so how do we do this?" Jason asked.

"I sense some plumbing, maybe I could bust it open?" Percy suggested.

"We can't do that fish-head, it might screw up the plumbing somewhere else and we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves." I told the son of Poseidon.

"We could call Dumbledore and ask?" Will advised.

"He's busy, something about a meeting with the other schools." Draco sighed.

"Seems like there's definitely some strong magic in this wall." Hazel said under her breath, placing her hand on the stone. "Very strong magic."

"Like godly magic or wizard magic?" Annabeth asked, looking up from her notes.


Just then, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and some others rounded the corner with golden coins in their hands.

"Oh, erm, hello?" Hermione said, Ron and Harry glared at us. "Would you mind moving elsewhere?"

"We're a bit busy at the moment, but we'll be gone in a few hours." Will said politely.

"She said leave, mate." Ron scowled and his hand hovered near his wand.

"Odio i maghi..." I muttered. (I hate Wizards)

"That indirectly means you hate me." Draco, who'd been trying to learn some Italian, said.

"Oh shut it, Dragon."

Draco stuck his tongue out at me then turned back to the problem at hand, the trio.

"You gonna leave?" Harry asked, teeth gritted. More Wizards had appeared with the same golden coins.

This could only end well.


Oh my gods, yesssss, this is it!

I secured the last spring and stepped back to admire our creations. Fifty metal men, ankle tall, were quipped with enough pranking supplies to make sure not one hall or student in this school would be left un-pranked. Not to mention our surprise...

"Brilliant." George laughed.

"Care to do the honors?" I asked, holding out the activation button.

The twins smashed it an the little men came to life, this was going to be fun.


"We are not leaving." Jason told the Wizards, the air smelled faintly of ozone.


Ten little flaming men came from the other end of the hall, they blasted different music ranging from 'Shake it off' to 'Let it go' and what sounded suspiciously like Beethoven's fifth symphony. The men started throwing glitter, foam, bouncy balls, feathers, plus a variety of stuff I couldn't identify, and everything the foam touched was immediately dyed that color. The hall looked like a rainbow disaster.

In no time it was impossible to move without stepping on rubber balls or slipping in foam.

Then, after it seemed the little men had stopped a miniature version of Festus, the size of a large dog came flying through the air and the little men blasted things with even more energy. The dragon breathed out glittery fire that smelled like morning breath and chased us around.

The Wizards turned to run, but slipped and ended us sliding across the floor. Percy, grabbed Annabeth, I supposed he was manipulating the water in the foam the dashed across to save the rest of us.

Back and forth he went, we needed a place to hide from this onslaught, then I door I hadn't seen before opened up and we ran inside.

This place was a mess, mountain upon mountain of clutter sat in this room, piled up to the ceiling. The familiar sensation of a horocrux nearby filled me, it must be in this room.

"Where are we?" Piper groaned, covered in cuts, rainbow colored, and a bit more feathers in her hair than what she previously had. I reckoned I looked just as ridiculous and I couldn't wait to get back at Leo.

"We look like we went to a wild pride parade..." Frank chuckled.

I shushed them and tried to focus on where the horocrux was coming from, I sensed it immediately.

"It's here." I breathed.

I used my powers to lead myself to it, it was rather high up.

"Sparky, could you fly up there and get it?"

I described it to Jason and he flew up and grabbed it, it was a tiara, as I suspected. I drew the soul fragment from it and sent it to the fields of punishment.

Another one down.

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