Chapter 5

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Zayn's pov:

"Yay! Tour is over!" I screamed running around the airport.

"Man. You must really wanna see Kendra." Harry said.

"Yep! She said to Meet her at Starbucks. So I am. Good thing it's only a 30 minute flight." I said.
<30 minutes later>

"Bye guys! I'll see ya later!" I scream running out of the airport.

I finally get to Starbucks. I pay the taxi driver and give her an autograph. I walk in and see Kendra and her friends.

"Kendra!" I yell running over to her hugging her.

"Zaynie bear!" She screams hugging me back.

"Get a room." Raygan says rolling her eyes. I glare at her and she sits there and pouts.

"I missed you!" I said pulling away. She smiled. "I missed you too!" She replied.

I really wanted to kiss her but I don't want to make Kendra hate me. If I quicken the relationship she will probably break up with me. I don't want that!

"I'll take that kiss now." She smirked.

"What are you talking abou- ohhhhh!" I smirk back.

I grab her face and kiss her lightly. She kisses back.

"Was that your first kiss?" I whisper in her ear.

"How did you know?" She asked pulling away.

"I'm just that good." I reply smiling.

We order some coffee and we all start talking about random things. That was until the lads burst through the doors and sit next to us.

"What are you all doing here?" I ask.

"We came to make sure you aren't going to fast." Niall says winking at Kendra.

"Get your own." I growl.

"Dude, calm down." Kendra says rubbing my back.

I sigh and look at the ground then apologize to Niall. He thanked me and then started talking to the other girls.

"Kendra can I talk to you alone real quick?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure." She replied following me to the back corner of the building. "What did you wanna ask me?"

"I know that you're living with your parents still so I was wondering if you wanted to live with me." I said smiling.

"Really?! I would love too!" She replied hugging me.
A/N: here's chapter 5! Yay!

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