"Will do," Mum said as Dad held a thumbs up.

"Bye Liam, bye Pam," Cedric waved to my parents.

" Bye-bye Cedric," they replied, returning his wave.

I gave them one last wave and mounted the broom that I would be taking to school. We rode for at least 30 minutes before landing at a lovely house. I dropped my stuff and ran into the house, leaving Cedric behind.

"I'm home!" I yelled. 

I heard quick footsteps and then came, "Y/NN, I have missed you so much!" I was pulled into a tight embrace as Cedric's mom pulled me into a tight hug. "It has been rough being the only girl in this house," she whispered to me as Cedric's dad came into the room.

"Ah, Y/N, I am so glad to see you," Amos said and pulled me into a hug as well. " We are so happy you could make it," he continued, as we pulled out from the hug. 

"Where is your trunk and Ivory's cage?" Mrs. Diggory asked. It seemed to jut hit me that I dropped my stuff outside. I ran back out the door and saw Cedric looking at my stuff.

"Yea, Cedric, if you could just bring my stuff in!" I yelled to him as if he was my maud. He gave me a look of utter annoyance. I blew him a kiss, and he threw his arm down as to block the kiss. I looked at him and started chuckling as he grabbed my things and started to walk towards the house.


I had spent the rest of the day catching up with the Diggory's; talking about school, home, and all the details in between until the sun started to set. That is when I went upstairs to shower. 

Once I finished showering and made my way back to my room. I was in the midst of twisting my hair up into a towel, so that it can dry faster, when something banged into my window. 

"What the bloody fuck!" I yelled as it had taken me by surprise. I ran to the window to find an old owl with a letter in its beak. Ah of course Ronald would send Errol. I quickly got dressed into my pijamas and walked down the stairs. I walked straight out the door to the backyard to fetch Errol.

"Uck! Errol, you smell," I said as I plugged my nose to pick him up. I cradled him in my arms. He hooted joyously , thanking me for helping him up. I walked back into the house to put Errol down.

"Y/N, what is that smell that you brought in," Mr.Diggory asked.

"Oh, thats what she naturally smells like," Cedric walked past me smirking. I stuck my tongue out to him and walked into the kitchen. I set Errol down and gave him some water before reading the letter.  I opened the letter which read..

Dear, Y/N

Mum is pleased to hear that you are staying. I won't be home the day you arrive but will be arriving later. Anyways, Iv was looking very tired, so I sent Errol to you haha. Anyways looking forward to seeing my number one fan.



I laughed at the letter before looking for a quill and parchment paper to message him back.

Dear Ron,

You sure you didn't just send me Errol to annoy me. He scared the living crap out of me Ronald. I literally just got out of the bloody shower when he banged into my window. Also, it's fine, I have to catch up on work with your idiot brothers anyways. But tell Molly and Arthur I am looking forward to seeing them. Also can't forget, can't wait to see you too.



I folded the letter and put it in an envelope before having Errol send it to Ron. I went to attach the letter but Errol nipped at my hand.

"Hey!" I snapped at him. He gave me puppy dog eyes as to beg not to leave. I looked at him for a second before saying, "Alright, you can deliver this in the morning." He suddenly got up, peaked my check and flew up to my room.

I walked into the dinning room to have a family dinner. The whole Diggory family was already sitting and eating. I made my way to sit next to Mrs. Diggory. I grabbed a plate full of deliciousness. Of course, no one could beat Mrs. Weasley, but Mr. Diggroy's cooking came into a close second.

 We chatted about how our summers where going so far and what our plans for this week were to which me and Cedric both shrugged. We finished dinner and then headed up to bed, since it ended a smidge latter then expected.

Hey loves! So just letting you guys know the updates might be like scattered, meaning I maybe post within a week or a few weeks for every update. This is because I am rereading Goblet of Fire and marking like scenes to incorporate in the story and also mid terms are coming soon, so sis has to study for that. Anyways thanks for getting this story to 600 views in four days, AHHH. I'm so happy. Anyways, have a great day. Mwah


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