Happy ending's lead to bad things like that

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Then she walked to us and hugged us and we smiled and I said "Looks like its a happy ending after all." Then Keith started moving around and I said "Or so we think."


I looked at kid and smiled and said "I love you." Then he smiled and said "Love you more." Then I smiled and said "So about that mission thing do you still need to do it?" Just then Kids phone started ringing and kid answered it and said "Hello father what do you want?" Then I heard Lord Death saying "Hello Kid so remember the mission thing I was going to send you to do? Well I made Death Scythe and Stein to collect all of the souls cause I thought it through of what you said earlier about how the wedding is more important then the mission so now you don't need to worry about the mission meaning you can have you wedding the day you planned it." Then Lord Death thing up and kid looked at me and smiled and said "You can go back to dress shopping cause the wedding is back on." I squealed and said "YAY!!" Then Kid chuckled and said "Have fun." I nodded and said "I will." Then I called everyone I knew that was a girl and said "Dress...hunting...today...now." they all said "OK." Then I said "BETANY COME ON LETS GO DRESS HUNTING WITH MAKA, TRICE, LILICA, LIZ, PADDY!!" Then she yelled from the upstairs and said "OK I'll be down in a minute!!" Then I heard knocks on the door and saw that it was Maka and everyone else and I smiled and said "BETHANY THEY ARE HERE COME ONE HURRY UP!" Then she came running down the stairs and said "Alright let's go I'm ready." I smiled and said "Love you Kid bye." Then He waved and said "Bye." Then we walked out and started walking to the Wedding dress Store.

5 Minutes later

I look for a few dresses till Trice says "Crimson come here I found a beautiful dress that you might totally love." I smiled and walked to her and saw a most beautiful dress it was black and white with white skulls on it with white laces on the front and it had white sleeves and a white and black neck thing and I gaped and said "Its BEAUTIFUL let me try it on." Then I grabbed the dress and tried it on in the dressing room and walked out with a smile on my face and i walked to the girls and did a little pose and asked "How do I look?" Then trice said"BEAUTIFUL!!" Then I smiled and blushed a little and said "Thank you." The Paddy said "You should buy the dress." I nodded and said "Yup I was already planing on it." Then Trice said "I'll help you pay for it." I nodded and we walked to a pay area and paid for the $14,000 dress then I hugged Trice and said "Thank you sis." She hugged back and said "No problem." Then I grabbed the dress and said "Go get the girls we are out of here." Trice nodded and said "Alright." Then she ran to the girls and said "Come on Girls we are out of here." They nodded and said "Alright." Then they started walking towards me and I smiled and said "Alright Maka I'll have to hide this in your place actually no Bethany I'll have to hide my dress there." Bethany nodded and said "Got it." Then I smiled and said "This day was fun." BETHANY nodded and said "That it was, that it was." Then I smiled and said "Your so funny." Then she giggled and said "Yes I am but reality is more funny then I its self." I looked at her very confused and I said "I seriously don't understand your logics and how you learned them." Then we all laughed and I saw Kid skateboarding around on his skateboard and I gasped and said "Bethany we need to run to your house now before kid sees the dress." She nodded and we ran to her house and we walked inside and we were all out of breath and I said "Let's hide this in my closet." Then we walked up to my old room and I hung it up in my closet and plopped on the bed and said "What a day." Then Bethany said "What a day indeed."


I skip all the way to Bethany's house in a very happy mood then I finally made it to her house then I knocked on the door and walked in and said BETHANY GET MY DRESS READY!!!" She yelled back saying "ALRIGHT!!!" Then I smiled and walked up the stairs and into my old room and said "Alright I Will need your help getting the dress on." She nodded and said "Alright just go to the bathroom and put it on and then come out and then I will help you with the rest of the dress." I nodded and grabbed my dress and walked to the bathroom and put the dress on and came out 10 minutes later for help on fixing the dress so Bethany helped me with the dress and she said "Alright all done with your dress now all I need to do is get my brides maids dress on." I nodded and she walked to the bathroom to change into her dress and she came out of the bathroom and asked "How do I look?" I smiled and said "Beautiful Bethany." Then Maka, Tsubaki, Trice came in and said "Hey Crimson you ready to get married?" I shrugged and said "I dont know but I have to put on my make up then I might be ready." They nodded and Maka said I'll help you do your make up if you want me to." I smiled and nodddd and said "Thanks Maka." Then she nodded and said "No problem." Then she grabbed my make up and starred doing it and I just sat there imaging what she is doing with my makeup to make me look beautiful.

5 minutes later

"Done." I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror and gasped and said "M-Maka I look beautiful thank you so much." Then she smiled and said "Oh your welcome now you ready?" I smiled and said "Yup." Then Bethany and Maka smiled and said "Alright let's do this." Then I smiled and said "Ready to go to the DWMA to have the wedding?" Then everyone nodddd and Maka said "I called a carriage to drive us to the wedding if thats alright with you." I gasped and said "It's totally fine with me!" Then she smiled and said "Then what are we waiting for?!?! It outside right now!" I smiled and we walked outside and we saw the most beautiful carriage it was white with black swirls as a design and I smiled as I approach the carriage as the guy driving the carriage helped us in and shut the doors and then drove off the the DWMA and when we approach the DWMA I smiled with happiness then the guy driving the carriage opened the door and said "My Lady." Then he bowed down making me feel like royalty I smiled and said "Why thank you my kind sir." Then I took his hand and he helped me down and then he helped the girls out as well then I looked at them and smiled and said "Let's go." Then Maka smiled a d we walked to the DWMA doors and opened them and speed walked to the Death Room where the wedding was being held at then when I walked in te music started and I slowley walked to Kid while Stein walked me down the isle and he said "Wow you look amazing." I could feel my cheeks warm up meaning I was blushing and j said "Thank you." Then he said "No problem." Then we finally made it to Kid and I smiled from ear to ear and so did he and I held both his hands and looked at him I. The ees and he said "Wow you look Beautiful." Then I blushed and said "T-Thanks." Then Lord death spoke and said "We are gathered here today to see these toove birds get married Do you Death The Kid take Crimson as your lawful wedded wife to cherishhee through sickness trough health to love her till death to part?" Then he said "I do." Making me smile even more then Lord Death asked "Do you Crimson take Death The kid as your lawful wedd husband to cherishhee through sickness trough health to love him till death to part?" Then I smiled and said "I do." Then Lord Death said "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." And with that said Kid smashed his lips onto mine and we stayed there for about 1 minute until we heard the sound of glass breaking then Keith and his friends AME flying down capturing me and fly in up in the air and Keith said to Kid "Thabs for keeping her warm for me I gladly appreciate it Kid then he flew away with me yelling back to kid "KID HELP!!!" Then Keith and His Friends flew me to his castle thing and then locked me up in a cell and said "You'll live here with me now i am your husband now and not that pathetic Kid." Then I spat in his face and said "You keep thinking that but I'm warning you never and I repeat never mess with a Grim reaper." Then he smirked and said "Yeah I'll believe it when pigs fly." Then he locked the cell and walked leaving me to cry in the cell


I walk around very pissed off saying "Liz, paddy weapon form now we are going to get my wife back and Maka, Black Star and Stein I'll need your help along with you Soul and Tsubaki and Spirit we need to et Crimson back even if it means risking our lives."


Is this what love is? [lemon] (Death The Kid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now