Episode 2 "Sparks With Mask "

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Ra'venia was once again down a alley way! Forth time this week and none the less, annoying. "Winds of Magik! I bastiche you to come to my aid!" The winds darken around the male who is running from Ra'venia. Lifting him up and throwing him through a wall! Hitting a electric fence! His body begins to electrocute! Burning to a crispy, 3rd degree burns to be exact.. "Oh shit! BYE!" Ra'venia turns and flies away! A couple hours later. Of the males body smoking like no tomorrow, he gets up. White but pink outlines electricity for skin.. He drags his left foot across the dirty black ground. His once medium tone brown skin was now.. shocking. "What happened to me?! WHAT AM I!?" He yells loudly! An electric pink aura forms around him. "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" He says running away! The aura still around him! His anger.. it boils.. The power he was given was a mistake! Right? Maybe if he just.. "No.. I can't be like the others.." The boy takes a seat. "My name is Malcolm Lockwood. I was running, but I was being chased.. Now! I'M THIS!? It was soon to be anyway... I guess." Aisha however was close by. Hearing the cries of the man so she walked over to it. "Hello?" Aisha says with worry. Instead of being scared like she had originally thought it would be now she's terrified as the male gets up and walks to her. Aisha backs up with one hands up in a defensive way. "Please... Help me!" Malcolm says as his electric aura strikes a tree burning it to the ground, to ash really. "AH!" They both scream. Aisha just has a different effects. Malcolm is scared while Aisha is already running! So Malcolm chases after her! He keeps accidently hitting the trees, cars, bank machines even! While running Aisha trips over a branch and lands on her face. She turns her head to face him. Fear all over her face as she begins to cry.. picturing her death and how her little brother will be all alone! Well- unless Enzo finally steps up as a big brother anyways. "Please! DON'T HURT ME!" Aisha pleads. Malcolm just keeps walking closer "HELP! SOMEBODY!" Aisha screams! Luckily someone did come! White Lightning and Furia! The two land in front of Aisha. White Lightning hands on her hips while Furia is tending to Aisha bloody nose. "He's crazy! But-" Aisha couldn't finish her sentence since White Lighting summoned chains from her hands and tied the young male up. Lifting him up and slamming him in the ground! "F*cking fairy." She says under her breath with a small smirk while also pulling her chains back in. "Heh. That's what you were scared of? A kid who can barely use his own power. Sad." Furia was in White Lightning face to defend Aisha. "She isn't like us. Of course she'd be scared! The FRACK! Type of question is that?!" Furia rubs her head forehead. "I'm just saying. He wasn't hard to beat and also- help out once in awhile. I'm always saving somebody.. like that anyway." She mumbles the last part which gets Aisha attention but given how scared she is doesn't say anything. The electric aura begins sparking from underneath the ground, Aisha feels something from behind her and like that she was dragged in a sewer screaming! White Lightning watches while Furia tries to grab her before it was to late but Aisha was already gone! "No! Damit." The brunette turns to White Lighting yelling "You could've helped you know!" And with the snarkiest smirk. W.L (White Lightning) replies with "I know." Furia grabs W.L  shoulder and squeez tightly. "Call him." W.L sighs annoyingly and calls the number for the private detective. The contact says <Detective Conan>. The two are now flying away from the scene!


Aisha awoke back in her house. Her room was a mess "Did somebody let a rat in here?" Aisha says running her eyes. She turns to her side to a see a older male in her bed at her feet. Aisha screams in utter fear which wakes up him up completely! He falls out the bed now bouncing around the room through a pink electric dash! "AAAAH!!- WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU!?" The electric dash stops and regains his human form-ish. Now he's naked in his human form. Aisha looks away and covers her eyes but Malcolm is confused to what is wrong. That is until he looks in the mirror! He runs in her personal blue bathroom inside her room. "S-s-sorry! I can't control this completely yet." Malcolm yells through the wooden brown door embarrassed. "That's ok. I only saw the top half anyways!" Aisha yells back. "Why are you in my house!?" Aisha questions confused. "Beats me. I heard screaming then I got knocked out and we both here. I don't know why I'm naked. Maybe I burned through my clothes?" Malcolm explains. "Ok. Well I remember being DRAGGED BY YOU!" She says pissed off now. "I should call the cops.." Aisha mumbles as Malcolm walks out the bathroom now semi dressed. "You're wearing my brother.. clothes." Aisha snorts. "I thought this was yours not gonna lie." Malcolm looks in the mirror. A dark blue crop top with grey sweatpants. "At least my abs got better" Malcolm says. "Bye." He turns to his electric form with the clothes still on and goes through her t.v leaving, making the tv explode as well. "Damit. I just bought that!" Aisha screams.

In Philadelphia was; Pullen Tige! That was his name! Well- for right now he's known as Cheetah. With his mystical amulet with the head of golden cheetah. "Hey lady!" His African accent thick as hell. "I says this with all my honesty!" Cheetah leaps into the air and lands infront of the woman running from her. "Do tell me! What's it's like having magic that's also as weird as you?" He growls playfully. Max himself is Dark skin, 6'9, 296pounds of muscle, full lips, thick eyebrows, wide hazel eyes(Turns green with the cheetah mask), and cheetah like teeth as well. "I'm well. Names Cheetah! What should I call you?" The female says with a slight smirk. She has Fair white skin. Slim-wide eyes, silk black wavy hair with curly tips. A slim figure with toned muscles. 5'4-185pounds. Added to the most fluffy medium full lips! "Hex. You new to this whole super job?" She says with her own smirk. Sitting down on a metal pole "That's one funky name!" Hex stares him down. "Oh No! I mean that in a good way. I promise." Hex gets up. The sound of man screaming down the street is heard for both of them! They look at eachother and nod. Hex used her magic to project herself in the sky to fly over there while Cheetah was running on all fours while leaping/climbing from wall to wall! When they got to the scene of the scream it was to late. The man was just grey skin and extremely skinny bones! Hex lands to the ground with her magic on ready. Cheetah gets there a second after her she lands staring at the scene at hand. "Poor ga." Cheetah says. His quick reflexes however worked well at the time since he was able to tackle Hex to the ground, dodging the pink energy ball passing both their shoulders at hyper speed! "Ouch. Get off me!" Hex uses her magic to push Cheetah off her. He gets up dusting himself off while Hex gets up using her powers. "What was that!?" Hex says irrrated but keeps her cool. "I CALL FORTH THE TIDES OF SYBIAS!"

A woman's voice loud as thunder was heard from the skies as a pink light falls from the sky! Landing dangerously close to the two which sends a shockwave through the city! Hex was blown back down the street and into a car! Cheetah used his claws to stick the ground. The woman rises up. A beautiful woman with Brown skin, Curly light brown hair that reaches her back, Arch black eyebrows, Slim thick, 5'6, Clear skin, Hazel/red eyes, and lastly full pink lips. "Oh children." Her voice is.. accent. The accent is funny but clearly not of earth. "You should never attack a god. Or goddess.. Whatever it is you believe in-" The woman tilts her head slightly "mortal." She smiles widely. Hex dashes at her using her magic as a projectile! "AH!" Hex screams as stops at Cheetah and sends a green blast of mystical energy towards the woman! She however just yawns. Putting her hand up, opening her palm and absorbs it. The entire blast was absorbed like nothing! "How did you!?-" Hex begins to question but Cheetah bearhugs her from the back and leaps onto a building with her! Hex was confused as she breaks free of him "How did she do that?! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!? WHY DID YOU PULL ME AWAY!?" Hex yells! "Look! Whatever power or spell or whatever she's using. It affects me as well. My amulet, that's magic!" Hex gasp. "If she can absorb my magic without even touching me what says she can't.. She can't use it either?" Cheetah whispers the last part. Just as a green beam comes there way Hex pulls out a mana shield of her own which sends the two flying when the beam hits her shield. In different directions the two went! "Storm of the sirens!" Hex yells and points at Cheetah while also at herself! The two get a green shield around them, blocking the impact of the ground touching their skin. "Ouch." Cheetah says flipping himself up. He sniffs the air catching Hex scent "Gotcha!" He gets on all fours running to her! From Hex side she was getting up. Looking around her surroundings. The same woman lands infront of her. "Ever heard of not attacking somebody when they clearly got the upper hand you psychotic BI- AH!" Hex was grabbed by shirt and lifted up! "Put me down you BASTARD of a woman!" Hex screams in her face. She even spits in the woman face in rage. "I don't like you so get off me!" Hex growls. However the woman laughs. "My name.. is not important. You however are not." She aggressively bangs Hex head into the ground two times then throws her into a car! "OW! THAT HURT LIKE HELL YOU MANGROIL!" The sound of running came behind the woman as she turns to feel a slash on her face! She back up dropping Hex like a bag of rice. "Fucker!" She says as her face heals. "I'll take that pretty jewel name.. boy." She walks over to Cheetah. Him however not tryin get his powers stolen, runs up and jumps over her with clutch when she tried to grab his amulet. He leaps over to Hex! Using his teeth he bites into her shoulder then leaps away from the scene!

Once the two are far enough he drops her. Hex eyes flutter open. She looks up at the sky as a black winged creature and golden-blue light follow behind it. "This is probably the best day you had in a minute huh?" Hex says sarcastically. The two chuckle as Cheetah lays against a tree in a cat position. "Running? Really?" The woman appears in the middle of the two. Cheetah leaps back while Hex just rolls out of her way! "Really? That's just ru-" A tree falls on her! "OUCH!" Hex flies away while Cheetah runs the other direction. "These two are such a pain in my anus!" The woman yells in the quiet forest! A storm forms above her. She however smiles under her mask. "Oh.. hehe.. Oh this'll be fun!" Her body engluphs in hell-flames! "THEY WILL KNOW ME! QUEEN OF THE ABYSS!"

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