Ep. 1 Pt. 6: Trust Me

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"We're close," Yaz declared. "The next station is ten minutes away and we might get there before it even–"

"Wait," the Doctor held up a finger. Her eyes were frozen on the laptop screen.


"Yasmin. Stop the car."


Darkness. Pain. Steel floor... Cold.

"You all right, love?" Graham called out.

"Think so, yeah," Grace replied, standing up and walking towards the window. Graham wanted to stop her, but he reigned in his paranoia.

Trains do stop sometimes. And lose their lights. And engines... Right? It's fine...

"Where're you going?" he called out.

"Just having a look."

He gathered his strength to push himself up after her.

He peeked over her shoulder. People were running off the train onto the track. Grace shouted after them, ever concerned: "Don't go on the track, it could be live!"

No one paid heed. Some had fled from their compartment, too. Suddenly – CRACK!

"Graham, the doors just locked. We're shut in! Something's wrong."

She pulled out her phone and tapped on speed dial.


They were driving on a different route now, weaving their way through alleys to meet the newly stationary train car. Ryan's phone was a ringing. Wait. Where was his phone? Oh, right.


"Ryan, love. Our train's stopped between Hathersage and Grindleford, and something really weird's going on!"

"Okay, okay, Nan, I'm coming for you, stay on the line! Don't cut me off, stay on th–"

He heard a terrible smash, a clatter and a panicked voice in the background. Graham's voice. The line cut off.

His heart was hammering against his chest.



"So we meet again."

Graham gulped.

"Hey, hah, listen, buddy, I'm sure we can work something out? Hey? No hard feelings?"

Tzim Sha removed his helmet, revealing his gruesome blue face with teeth sticking out from every inch of skin. Graham recoiled, edging at the frame of the door in vain.

"Ah. Memories," the monster smiled. "That's exactly the look those humans had before they killed my wife."

He summoned something with his finger, and only then did Graham notice a black headband round the alien's blue forehead. It had a black embossed line around the front, running about eight inches across.

Then, he heard sparks and a rumble...

There was a massive bundle of coils writhing, rolling, and smashing through glass, electrical sparks playing all over it, a massive robotic octopus with no head, swimming through the air.

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