[1] Guido: fear.

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Hi, this is MatoMasaharu.
How is everyone doing? 

Welcome to my new book!
You might be a new reader or my old reader from Fugo's books and might be wondering what is this book exactly. This is the book where I write the rest of team Bucciarati x Reader. 

The first chapter of this book is my second favorite, Guido Mista the gunslinger.
And this is the second part of my Vento Aureo: Weakness series. This series will have six chapters, so it means one chapter for one character. As you can see from the name, this series will show the weaknesses of each member of team Bucciarati. I think about this series myself so I hope everyone can enjoy it. The first part of the series belongs to Fugo and you can find it in his one-shots book.

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The more you know about Mista, the more you find him interesting. For many undescribed reasons, you've decided that he's your favorite person. In the team and your whole life up until this point. 

You're well aware that you only know him, as well as the rest of the team, for three months. It doesn't stop you from thinking he's. Even when you're not saying anything or when you sit far away from him, he still finds ways to send laughter to you.

Mista is the exact opposite of you in many aspects. He's loud and very vocal while you're quiet and doesn't talk much. You're never like attention but he's the center of the attention. If you're a wildflower on the sidewalk then Mista's the most beautiful flower in the garden. 

People said opposite attracts and it seems to be true.

Today's schedule is more lenient because it supposed to be an off day. As usual, the team is hanging around at Libeccio. The lunch was already done. 

"It's time for desserts~"

"Narancia, you must continue your homework now."

"Bucciarati, what is our mission tomorrow?"

"Don't talk about mission now, Giorno Giovanna."

"Bucciarati, I want strawberry cakes!"

"We'll order seven slices of strawberry cake!"

You can't help but smile. You like it when everyone is together, being loud, fighting, laughing, anything at all. The warm sensation of it is always calming. 

"[y/n], you want strawberry cake too, right?"

Especially when today you get to sit beside Mista.

"Yes, it sounds good right now." You placed down your teacup. A bit full but how can you refuse cake? There's always room for desserts. 

"Oh? I think we need more tea." Mista leaned over to you that you have to lean back because he's too close. He's looking down on your empty teacup. "We'll get tea too."

"Thank.., thank you, Mista," you whispered to him and he grinned back. Mista is definitely handsome and his slanted smile is really captivating. You heard he was popular among the girls back then. You can understand why. Who wouldn't love a man that is not only handsome, but funny, strong, and attentive?

"Well, you can't have desserts without tea!" he winked at you then proceed to argue with Fugo whether almond milk is milk or juice. 

You can't hear them because your heart is thumping hard as if it about to burst. Until the waiter comes with the cart of cakes and tea. You gestured to the waiter to stop the cart around you as usual. Quietly you distribute the cake to the team. The first slice goes to Mista, then Bucciarati, Abbacchio, you, Giorno, Narancia, and Fugo in order. Bucciarati is the only one who notices and saying thank you. Little did you know, Mista has been eyeing your action while saying his final statement that almond milk is actually juice.

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