Ch. 27: New Workmate

Start from the beginning

Moonbin: Good to see you again! I didn’t know you work here.

Y/N: Y-yeah... I didn’t know you were back already. It’s great to see you, too.

I smile shyly at Moonbin and look away. Suddenly, I notice the papers I picked up from the ground.

Y/N: Annual expenses?

I then look at the other papers I’ve picked up and a confused look forms on my face.

Y/N: These are all finance papers. What are you doing with these?

I look at Moonbin and he looks at me cluelessly.

Moonbin: Oh, the boss told me that I’ll be helping with finance management since there seems to be a lot of paperwork for only one person to handle. Why do you ask?

I shake my head then give Moonbin the papers.

Y/N: I-it’s nothing. I guess I’ll see you later, then. I’ll just go bring this paper to Mina.

I quickly walk away before Moonbin could say anything else and reach Mina’s office.


Mina’s office

I enter Mina’s office with my heart beating rapidly to the point that my breathing isn’t normal and Mina looks at me with a confused and concerned look.

Mina: Anything wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.

I shake my head.

Y/N: Worse. Moonbin’s back and he’s working here now.

Mina looks at me with wide eyes and I cover my face with the paper I’m supposed to give her.

Mina: You met him?! What happened? Did he say anything? Did you say anything? Tell me in detail!

I look at Mina with an annoyed look and see her looking at me with her head resting on her hands, waiting for me to tell her the whole story.

Y/N: I just met him. That’s all.

Mina: Oh, come on, Y/N! That can’t be right! What else happened? Didn’t you talk at all?

I look back at what happened and sigh as I sit down on the chair infront of Mina’s desk.

Y/N: Not really. All I found out is that he’s gonna be helping me with finance management.

Mina: Yah!

Mina hits her desk with her palm and I almost jump.

Mina: How can you not talk about anything?! You literally haven’t seen or heard from each other for 5 years! Aren’t you curious about what he’s been up to?

I groan and place the paper I’ve been holding on her desk.

Y/N: This was wrongly placed on my desk. I’ll be going now.

I stand up and start to walk out of Mina’s office while she shouts at me with an annoyed tone.

Mina: Yah! I’m asking you questions! How can you just leave like that?! Yah!

I ignore Mina and continue going out without saying anything else and head to our section head, Jisoo’s, office.


Jisoo’s office

Y/N: Unnie!

I burst into Jisoo’s office and she gives me an annoyed look.

Jisoo: We’re at work, Y/N. We may be friends but I would prefer if you spoke to me formally when we’re at work.

I groan and walk over to her desk and sit down at the chair infront of it.

Y/N: But, unnie-

Jisoo glares at me and I sit straight on the chair.

Y/N: Ma’am, I heard you hired someone to help me with finance management. I’m doing fine on my own so I don’t really need any help. You can tell, right? Or is this your way of firing me?

I then place my hands on the desk and look at Jisoo pleadingly.

Y/N: Unnie, please don’t fire me!

Jisoo looks at me with a confused look then she suddenly starts laughing.

Jisoo: Relax! I’m not firing you. The only reason I let the new employee take that kind of job is because Dahyun says you’re not really having much free time since you started working. And besides, he just got back from the States with no job, and he seems to be good in math, so why not?

Of course, he’s good in math.

I then remember my first day in that school here in Seoul when Moonbin corrected my equation. Over the years, I’ve gotten good in math, too.

Y/N: *mutter* I could handle it all on my own, though.

Jisoo: Oh, come on. I’m sure you’ll love working with him! He’s also very good-looking, you know. Have you met him already?

I freeze for a second and Jisoo smiles at me playfully.

Jisoo: So you did meet. That’s good! If there’s nothing else you wanna talk about, you may leave now.

Y/N: W-wait. So the office he’ll be working in...

Jisoo: Oh, don’t worry about that. I made sure he’ll be really accessible for you.

Jisoo smiles playfully and I look at her doubtfully as I stand up.

Y/N: Okay, that’s all I came here for. Thanks, anyway, unnie.

Jisoo: We’re at work, Y/N.

I roll my eyes and turn to Jisoo as I reach the door.

Y/N: Ma’am.

I then walk out of her office and go to mine. Finally, I reach my office and suddenly hear something moving from inside.

Y/N: What the-

Suddenly, I hear papers fall to the ground and I quickly open the door and feel my eyes widen when I look inside.

Y/N: You?!

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