This Thing Between Us

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-What do you mean just sex?- he asked quietly, slowly, almost carefully.

-I...that's what we she answered, blinking again a few times.

-Well but...- he mimicked her actions- We also have fun, don't we? I like being around you...- he decided maybe he just straight up say it- I'm attracted to you...-

The utter confusion on her face was starting to test his patience, it made him feel so uneasy, the entire situation feeling foreign to him, he realized then that he couldn't remember the last time he was the one admitting to catching feelings in something that, although never established, was "obviously" casual.

-But you're not gonna tell me that this isn't just physical attraction?- she looked around again- Just lust?-

Philip grew more and more worried, feeling a burning sensation on his sternum, he shifted on his spot, a frown on his face.

-I like you, i really like you, i thought you liked me...- he looked at her, hoping she understood.

-Yes! I like you too but i don't like you...- she accentuated.

Philip's face contorted into a frown slapped with confusion, offense, and even hurt. He didn't like him? What was that supposed to mean? For a second he thought back to the last couple of weeks, looking for the proof that she didn't like him, instead all he could find was the opposite, she had shared so much, they had comforted each other, she had cried in his arms and let him take care of her, see her in that horrible and vulnerable moment.

At his instant reaction she widened her eyes, as if she just realized what she said, and shot her hands up as if trying to stop his feelings.

-No no what i mean is, we, we have fun, but yknow...that's...- she spoke fast and then slow again.

More silence, it was driving Philip insane, it was like she was trying to say something she couldn't put into words, it was as if she were expecting him to form those words for her, and in her inquisitive yet slightly lost stare he realized.

-That's it...- he started- It's just the sex isn't it?-

Pain. That was what he felt when he said it out loud, there were no feelings from her side, and still that just didn't sit right with him, his brows pressed together so tightly as he thought that, he could feel it start to ache.

-Yes...i mean i thought...i thought you knew that...- her eyes once again scanned his face.

Anger. Now he felt frustrated at the lack of sense he was finding in her words, how was he supposed to know? They had had so many moments together, didn't that mean more? Wasn't it obvious?
Was he misunderstanding this situation entirely??

-No i didn't fucking know that, what about the night at the bar??
Hell what about the other night?!- his hands extended as if he were screaming for her to see it- What about the first night??-

Her head tilted and she hesitated before speaking.

Those nights had something in common, they always ended in sex, and Philip saw what he thought she meant, she was looking for comfort, for distraction, and by fucking him she seemed to find it, this only made him hurt more.

-I thought you were just, i don't know...being nice, then having sex, i thought that's just what it was...- she shrugged lazily.

So now she thought he was the one using her and her sadness to get in her pants? His mouth opened and curled in shock, he knew he hadn't always been the most sensitive with his relationships but he wasn't like that.

Someone Like You -Phillip Altman x Reader-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن