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Gun's POV:

I woke up around 5:30 AM just to make breakfast for my husband. Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn.

We've been married for 2  years and our relationship isn't really perfect. It's been 2 years since I got married to him but I am still excited to wake up every morning just to make him breakfast.

Our parents have an agreement. Yes, it's an arrange marriage but I agreed because I love him. It took us how many months before P'Off finally accepted it. His Dad offered him to be the CEO of the company if he will agree on marrying me.

I don't care about the offer. I am happy because P'Off will be my husband. I also don't care if he don't like me at first because I told myself that I will make him fall for me.

We've been together for 2 years but he still don't want anyone to know about our marriage. Our marriage is secret. And our friends and family are the only people who knows it.

"I'm leaving" he coldly said. I looked at him as I put the last container on his lunch box.

"P'Off, take this" I said as I offer him the lunch box. I looked at the wall clock inside our kitchen. 6:00 AM. It's still early for work.

"No. I will be late now" as always, he refused and pushed my hands away.

I just watched him leave our house without even looking at me. I sadly smile.

Maybe he still need time to accept me as his husband. I let out a heavy sigh as I put down the lunch box on the table. I stared at it.

"We are both rejected...again" I said talking to the lunch box like it's going to answer me. I took off my apron and walk upstares and enter our room. I'm just going to sleep


I woke up when my phone coudn't stop ringing. I grabbed it and answer the call without looking at the caller's ID.

"Hello?" I asked in my half sleep voice.

"Gun, Jane just got back from US and she wanted to have a party. We're invited of course" New, my best friend exclaimed. I suddenly feel alive. It's been a while since she came home and it's been so long since the last time I got to a party.

"Really?" I asked as I sat down. I smiled from ear to ear. God knows how I love going out with my friends and attending some party with them.

I stopped doing that since Off and I got married. Well, not totally stopped but I minimized it. And I am going to a party secretly. Because Off doesn't want me to go somewhere like party without his consent but whenever I was asking for permission, he won't allow me that's why I decided to just sneak out at our house to go with my friends.

"Next month because she will finally stay here for good. But today, let's meet up. Our friends already missed you" New said. I chuckled.

"A life of a married person" I answered. I heard him let out a sigh. I smiled.

"Why do you have to get married at the early age? I thought we are going to enjoy our life first before we settle down with our own family?" New asked.

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