
his eyes flit all around the room and his mouth is constantly moving as though he was chanting something to himself. he was incredibly good looking, mingi could not deny that, but he worked at a popular coffee shop so gorgeous people was a daily occurrence for him.

"excuse me.. i..i left my wallet here." they stutter out, probably to mingi, but the lack of eye contact or direct address made it difficult to know that exactly. plus, his accent sounded funny, it didn't even sound like a dialect, maybe he was from jeju? "can you please help me?"

"look, i just got here and i would rather not talk to you. i don't know where your wallet is so why don't you go and look for it yourself." he turns around and doesn't really say much afterwards, blowing off the stranger with the weird pronunciation and going to complete his next order.

he turns around and doesn't spare anymore attention to the customer until hongjoong leaves the staff room and goes up to the man with a kind smile.

hongjoong always had too big of a heart according to mingi. he was so trusting and thinks so highly of everyone, even complete strangers.

perhaps it's a good thing, having such a positive outlook on others and being able to believe the words that they say without seeming gullible. he wished he could see everything through the optimistic lens that hongjoong seems to operate through, sometimes overthinking everything and getting obsessed over the smallest of details was too much to handle.

mingi's ears suddenly perk up at the sound of the foreign voice speaking english. and even more surprisingly, hongjoong replying back in what sounded like better english than he had admitted before. his ears immediately tune into the conversation as he lets his hands work autonomously, but it wasn't like there was a point of doing this, he could barely understand what they were saying.

it lets him have a second look at the stranger, and now that he thought about it, they probably weren't the most attractive person he'd seen enter the café (there were many ulzzang's that liked their bright neon sign for photos) but he definitely wasn't like the ulzzang's that show up either. there was just something about him that mingi found so intriguing.

he was fascinated by this korean with a beautiful face, that spoke like an alien. and despite blowing him off initially, he started thinking that he wanted to know everything about him. what he's doing in korea, where he moved from, what school he goes to, if he goes to school, what kind of music he likes, his favourite restaurant, where he lives, what he does on a day to day basis, his every location at every single moment of the day.

the usual.

admittedly, mingi was a little shy, considering his terrible grasp with english and the ease at which hongjoong was speaking with the other. but he's get over the nervousness eventually if and when they eventually get together and—


he kept his ears open to their conversation, one detail lingers in his mind for the rest of his shift at the cafe but also the rest of his day.


"so his name is YUNHO."

he lies awake, staring at the ceiling of his pitch black room, unable to sleep because his mind was completely consumed and overwhelmed by the angel of a person that decided to enter the cafe that day.

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