"Is that a girl?"

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I woke up in darkness, I turned my head in all directions, I stood up and I felt around this thing I was in and it felt like  metal? A metal cage?

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I woke up in darkness, I turned my head in all directions, I stood up and I felt around this thing I was in and it felt like  metal? A metal cage?

"WOAH!" I screamed as I fell back on to the ground. The cage jolted up. I started to question, What's going on? Where am I? So many questions ran through my mind. I have so many questions right now that I can't answer. I felt a tear roll down my face, till soon I was sobbing. I found my way over to a corner and continued to cry.

It felt like hours had passed and I had eventually fallen asleep.

I jolted awake when I felt the cage stop.

"Hello!?" I called out. I, somehow, was more scared when I heard people then when I was just moving up the... whatever it was I was going up. I stood up and saw the top of the cage open, a wave of light spilled into the cage. It blinded me and I fell. I heard what I could only make out as shocked noises and is that a girl? questions. A few people jumped down and I pushed myself back till I hit the wall, they slowed down and didn't move as fast.

"We are not going to hurt you." the tall brown haired boy finally spoke. I slowly stood back up and moved towards them cautiously. I saw the top edge of the box and ran towards it and I jumped up making it to the top.

I quickly looked around and then bolted, in which direction, I don't know, I just ran. I saw an opening and I went impossibly faster. I heard someone yell behind me but I just kept running not daring to look back. I felt something grab me and I fell. Someone tackled me, it was the tall brown haired guy from before.

"Get off me! Get off me!" I screamed in his face. I wiggled my hands free from his weight and started hitting him.

"Get! Off! ME!" I screamed  louder. He grabbed my hands and pinned them to the ground.

"Stop!" He yelled. His yell surprised me and I stopped moving.

"Are you going to stop hitting me now?" I shook my head yes.

"Ok good, now I am going to let you up but you promise not to run?" I nodded my head yes again. He slowly got off me, and helped me up, I had just realized how far I had run, I must have looked shocked.

"Ya I know you ran  far and  fast, are you ok?" He had a sweet voice, I looked at him and he had a calm, tired expression.

"My name is Thomas, do you remember yours?" I thought about it, no. I don't remember my name how is that possible how do you forget your own name.

"I am going to guess that is a no." Thomas said very calmly. I started to feel dizzy and weak at the knees, then everything started going black, the last thing I heard was Thomas yelling the name, Newt?

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