Chapter 3: pt.2

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This chapter contains (very) mild sexual content.

"I...I think I'm falling for you."

I look at Bokuto, almost not believing the words that came out of his mouth.
He looks at me with a serious expression, but with his flushed cheeks cause of the sake we drank. He looks hot a hell. That serious expression, his eyes gleaming and those lips that I want so bad to stick to mine forever, wanting to claim him mine. Forever.

"Akaashi.. I know this is sudden.. I'm so sorry I should've kept my mouth shu-"

"yeah, you should've" I interrupt him. I can't take it anymore, even if it feels extremely unrealistic, this is all I ever wanted. I kiss him shutting him once for all. He was tense but I feel him relax slowly under me..well maybe not every part of his body. I feel my heart skip several beats when his lips start moving along with mine. It's so fucking amazing.
I break the kiss so that we both can catch some air, I look at him. His cheeks and nose tinted with different shades of red and pink, his hair messy and his eyes admiring every inch of my skin. I get even redder. He's so damn hot.

Bokuto smirks at me.

"Look at you.."
he says biting his lower lip.

"That face of yours, you really fooled me making me think that you were an angel..a beautiful and innocent angel.."

He gets near me like he's about to kiss me, but then he flips the situation, getting himself on top of me. He gets near again, I bite my lip feeling a presence pressing on my tigh and his breath on my neck.

"But I know.. you aren't innocent at all, aren't you? mh?"
Bokuto says, starting to kiss my neck.
I momentarily forget how to breathe.

"That face of yours.. eyes filled with lust for me.. your cheeks flushed.. and then there's that look.. the way you are looking at me right now.."

He continues on torturing me, whispering all that stuff while kissing my neck.
I bite my lip harder trying not to moan, unfortunately my body is very sensitive in various spots.. and one of them is my neck..

"Akaashi Keiji.. just remember that, if you'll make me fall for you.. don't even think that I'll let you escape frome me. I'll take you and I'll do anything I have to, to keep you with me. forever.."

He says again making me lose even more heartbeats than before and release my lip making a small moan escape from my mouth. At that sound, I feel Bokuto sucking the skin on my neck and tighten his grip on my hips.

I shut my eyes and try not to let any more little noises come out of my lips.

"For fucks sake who left all this marks on you..ugh" he says almost with a frustrated tone, he doesn't stop kissing me tho.

"Bokuto-san.." I say with my voice almost trembling, my rationality was gone. The only thing I felt was lust burning through my whole body.

"Get back here.. please"
I say. He stops and looks at me with a proud smirk on his face.

"So now you're begging for it huh?" He bites his lip and my mind shuts down.

I pull him towards me impatiently and kiss him passionately. I flip once again the situation getting on top of him. He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my back, getting me closer to him, holding me...embracing me. I feel his hand tighten the grip on my back and the other one run to my lower back. He slips it under my shirt making me shiver.
His touch was so rough...? but so fucking delicate at the same time. I'm going crazy. Even the most delicate touch sends shiver and waves of pleasure through my whole body. I break the kiss trying to catch some oxygen, even if in that moment it felt like I needed his lips on me more than air to breathe. He looks at me, with short breath..his chest elevating while breathing heavily. And then I notice his hair..his fucking hair was down..maybe because of all the commotion. Fuck me. (literally).
I can feel my hormones going crazy.

"You're so delicate.. You tremble just by me touching some cms of your skin.. fuck.. you don't even know what you are doing to me right now, do you?.." He says getting to my lips again, kissing them delicately and passionately and almost roughly, at the same time.

I can feel both our pants getting tighter and tighter.
To get some relief he starts moving his hips against mine. Another moan excapes from my mouth, making me moan on his lips. Bokuto bites my lip delicately not wanting me to leave his. We find ourselves in eachother's eyes. Both of ours full of lust. I kiss him again and he licks my lower lip with the tip of his tongue asking for acces, obviously I let him. Fuck, I could've never imagine it could've been this good to kiss somebody. Well.. he's not just "somebody".. He's the hot and childish guy I've always lov-... liked.
Bokuto's hands find the trim of my shirt and get under it. He runs them over my back caressing me but then he gets it off of me. He then goes back on kissing me before flipping the situation once again, bottoming me. He runs his hand on and then under my thigh, to then grab it with his hand. I moan on his lips once again. He was literally finding all my weak spots. No one EVER found every single one of them all at once, or all at all. But he.. he found them all in less than 10 minutes, without even trying. I swear, he could break me apart emotionally and I would probably thank him. Fuck..

He smiles on my lips.

"you like that, huh? Do I realky have all this impact on you? is it really that easy? you are always cold as ice but now.. now you're melting over and over again just by letting me touch your skin delicately.. what's going to happen to you when I'll go rough on you.."
He smiles and kisses me once again, moving his hand to my butt, grabbing it almost possessively. God I just want him to ruin me.

"Bokuto.. I can't take this anymore.. please.."

"Begging again.. I guess I'll just have to make you happy then" He gets up and picks me up, then he lays me on the bed.

"I'll be right back." he smiles and leaves a kiss on my nose, before heading to the bathroom.

I close my eyes, but when I open them, I see the sun shining in the room and no one beside me in bed.

what angels do (bokuaka)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz