The Truth [1]

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Midoriya Pov

I am waiting for Todoroki to go on our date. I decided to plan this because he was getting a little distant and I wanted to close the gap between us. And I wanted to see him again. He's been training with his dad since the incident with his dad.

Which I find weird, 'shouldn't his dad be more focused on being a hero than training' I quietly thought to myself. I was too busy in my thoughts to notice that I was in a park, I was brought out of my thoughts with children laughing and playing. I looked at them reminding me of me and Kacchan when we were little.

I looked at my phone to check what time it was. I was 8:34 'he's late again' remembering the last time this happened. 'Should I call him? He could be training and just lost track of time, I do that sometimes, or he could be bonding with his dad? Unlikely' I debated in my head but chose the latter. I went through my contacts till I found his name with a red heart. And gave him a call.

It was a while before he answered "Hey-," I was cut off before I heard moaning and groaning "Ahh~~," which I instantly recognize as Momo. "Yess~ faster~~Please," Momo moaned loudly. "Yeah, you like that you little slut," Todoroki breathed.

I listened to what was happening on the phone reluctantly. I covered my mouth to stop the sobs that were coming out my eyes were wide from what I was hearing. "Ohh~~ yess please," Momo moaned a little quieter this time. "Midoriya Could never turn me on as much as you do Mo-Momo," Todoroki said and I stood there phone in my ear quietly sobbing to myself. I hung up the phone after that I walked up to a picnic table and cried uncontrollably but a familiar voice broke me from my sobbing. I was undeniably angry at both of them more at Todoroki. 'I helped him with his quirk and this is the thanks I get' I thought. 'Know what fuck this fuck him he could go suck a dick'.

"OI NERD," Kacchan yelled, walking towards me. We got close ever since we had our fight. and for that reason, I tried to fix myself before he got to me. Keyword is 'tried'. "Why are you crying, nerd," He said with concern and sat in front of me. "Oh, it's nothing, why are you at the park?" I asked to try to change the subject and added a smile to try to sell it. "We didn't have food, so I went out for some. Now, why were you crying," Kacchan said, putting the subject back on me.

I sighed and I knew I had to tell him, "Todoroki cheated on me," I say looking off somewhere then I realized I was talking to kacchan "WHAT," looked at me and said words dripping in venom. "C-calm down please, don't get m-mad for my sake, p-please," I say with a stutter. "No, repeat what you just said,'' He said words laced in bitterness and threat.

I decided to have fun with him for a bit and simply said "Calm down please, don't get mad for my sake, please," a bit calmer this time and with a slight smirk. "YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHAT I MEANT," He yelled while I laughed my lungs out. "DID YOU JUST SAY THAT HALF N' HALF BASTARD CHEATED ON YOU,''' Kacchan yelled which I'm pretty sure America can hear.

"Katsuki Bakugo," I simply say getting his attention "y-yes," He said with a stutter. "Stop yelling, it'll take a toll on your vocal cords," I say as calmly as I can to freak him out. "S-sorry, I was just mad. I can kill him right?" He says with a little smirk. I laugh at his face. "It's fine and no, I'm not sad or angry right now," I say. We sat in silence for a while, but Katsuki decided to break the silence "What do you want to do, you can hang out with me if you want. I'll have to deal with the idiots but it's cool," he says looking somewhere. "I want revenge," 

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