Chapter 3: pt.1

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HEY guys, just wanted to say that this is going to be a long one and the next one too. This chapter is Akaashi's pov (as always) but chapter 4 is going to be Bokuto's pov on this same exact events. don't forget to vote! hope you like it ;)


Fortunately, that was the last photo he toke. Me, aka, still a blushing mess, try to ignore the trio and go change, Oikawa stops me on the way.

"Who's the grey haired guy with Suga? is he your boyfriend?! OMG FINALLY I-.."

he says kind of excited

"no, he's not.."
I say blushing 

"I have to change now"

"oh.. what if you don't? you look so good in that, I'm sure he wouldn't mind"
he smirks
"that white kind of see through shirt with those marks on your body.. it's just.. hot... okay I desperately have to find myself a boyfriend asap"

I smile a little

"you will.. and maybe even sooner  than you may think" I say seeing the tall dark brown spicky haired guy walking towards us.

"Shittykawa, I need my makeup done."
Iwaizumi says with a cold and almost angry looking expression..well.. I guess that's just his face.
But I guess that, that face is really appreciated cause he too is a model and I have to admit, it suits him perfectly, he's beautiful.

"oh, iwa-chan! always so mean. not even a pretty please, please?"
Oikawa smiles provoking him and Iwaizumi rolls his eyes.

I smile at both of them and then go to my changing room, I start taking my shirt off, but someone bursts in.



"oh come on I've seen you naked my child, don't be embarrassed. And Daichi leaves a tone more than those on me, so don't be embarrassed. THE POINT IS.. he likes you!"

"wait..what..why? who?"

"oh come on! Bokuto I mean.. he likes you, he smiles at you, he looks at you so kindly and he asks about you.. he even blushes! you're not that stupid are you?"

"we don't know if he even likes guys.."

"oh never mind.. I didn't race you like this!"


"can we come in?"
Kuroo says behind the door

"Yeah I'm done here!"
Suga says smiling at me before I could same something back..

I turn around trying to find my shirt and my jacket

"well, I'm surprised, you have way more muscles than it looks, Akaashi! you look good!"

"oh ehm.. thanks"
I felt their eyes on me, fuck. I tried to ignore them and find my fucking shirt. I felt HIS eyes on me, it felt like he was analizing every inch on my body, every little detail... and I loved it. Finally I find the shirt and put it back on, I take my stuff and my jacket.

what angels do (bokuaka)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang