Please believe me

Start from the beginning

Corbyn feels his whole world stop turning at the words she said. If she says that, no matter if he did- which he certainly didn't- it could ruin the bands reputation and career. If it affected just his, he wouldn't care, but this involved the others, and he couldn't let them get pulled down with him. He just hoped he could tell Daniel about it all before Daniel finds about it another way. 

"How would you tell people that?" He challenges. 

Her innocent smiles turns into a sinister smile as her grip somehow tightens on his hands. He knows there will be bruises as he winces in pain. 

"Makeup can do a lot, along with photos." She whispers in a cunning voice. 

And Corbyn knows she is right, she could easily do her makeup to look like it and take photos before showing the police, and the most it would do is at least be alleged  that he hit her, and that can still have a huge impact. 

His mind falls numb, and all he wants to do is hug Daniel and cry; everything is going wrong. 

The same thought circles his mind as he nods, knowing he has no other choice right now. 

'Please forgive me Dani, I love you.' 


Throughout the day Christina never let go of Corbyns hand. She would kiss him and hug him while in public, and Corbyn knew by now photos had been taken. 

Dread was filling his chest, and he wanted nothing more than to be in Daniels arms. 

"Bye babe, I'll see you tomorrow. " Christina says, while kissing his cheek, she grabs his hands in the same spot she did earlier, that left dark bruises and squeezes harshly letting him know he has to see her again. 

"Bye." He mutters, feeling a little better she is leaving. 

But the one thought in his head is Daniel. 

Daniel was sat on the sofa watching a random show when his phone kept vibrating. When he turned it on, he saw a lot of people tagging him in a photo. 

Frowning he opened his phone and clicked on what people kept tagging him in. When his eyes landed on the image the blood in his veins froze and his heart shattered. Tears begin to stream down his face as he is unable to pull his gaze away. 

The image shows Corbyn and Christina kissing, he arms are wrapped tightly around his neck- maybe too tight- and his arms are loosely around her waist. 

Daniel drops his phone to the floor and stands, his vision blurred with tears as more cascade down his face. His breathing is quick as his heart breaks more and more with each second. As quick as his shaky legs can take him he goes to their room and lays in bed. 

He buries himself under the covers as more and more tears fall down his face. 

"How could he do this to me." He sobs. 


Corbyn gets out of his car once he arrives home, thankful to finally feel safe and away from her. He glances down at his hands as he walks to the front door, and frowns at the dark bruises that now reside on his hands in a hand print mark.

Opening the door he hears no noise, and feels the panic and dread make a forceful entrance back into his chest.

"Dani?" Corbyn calls out, hoping for a reply. 

When he gets none, he begins to walk around the house. He spots Daniels phone laying on the ground, and he knows he was too late. Hoping Daniel hasn't left yet Corbyn races up the stairs. 

He comes face to face with their bedroom door and quickly opens the door. The sight in front of him breaks his heart. Daniel is laying there in tears, buried under blankets. 

"Dani, baby, please let me explain." Corbyn begs as he steps in. 

All Daniel does in reply is let out a muffled sob and turn his back to Corbyn. 

Corbyn takes a shaky breath, and goes to sit on the side of the bed. Tears rise in his eyes, and he lets them fall, knowing he won't be able to hold them back. 

"Daniel, just, please listen to what I have to say. Please believe me, but if you- if you don't and you want me to leave I-I will." Corbyn whispers. 

Daniel makes no movement, so Corbyn takes it as a continue. 

"I went to see Christina, to tell her that I didn't want her in my life anymore. And- and I thought it would go okay, but she grabbed my hands, really tight, and said if I don't- if I don't be her boyfriend then she'll tell people I abused her. I swear, I didn't want to be there, or do any of that, she- she made me. Please forgive me, I would have left, but I knew she would and- and it would ruin not only mine career, but yours and the boys, and I couldn't- I couldn't do it." Corbyn cries. 

Daniel frowns, wondering if he was actually telling the truth. He turns around to face Corbyn, and when he sees the tears running down his face, the look in his eyes and the bruises that have settled on his hands, Daniel starts to believe him. 

Tears fall from both the boys eyes as Corbyn holds his breath, watching Daniels every movement. 

"Promise me. Promise me you're not lying. Swear- swear on our lives." Daniel whispers, his voice hoarse from all the crying. Part of him believes Corbyn, but he knows he needs the reassurance. 

Corbyn can feel a little hope seep into his veins, "I promise. I swear on your life, my life, my mums life, everyone's life. Please forgive me." Corbyn begs. 

Daniel knows then that he isn't lying, he never lies when it comes to swearing on peoples lives, it's something about saying something like that makes Corbyn tell the truth. (This is actually me, because my brain tells me I can't lie if I swear on someone's life that I actually care about.)

 Daniel sits up and wipes his eyes before hugging Corbyn to his chest. Corbyn allows tears of relief to slip from his eyes and his wraps his arms tightly around Daniels chest, scared if he lets go it'll of vanish. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Corbyn repeats over and over. 

Daniel kisses his head and curses himself a little at not thinking about it before jumping to conclusion, but he also knows his reaction was reasonable to what he saw. "Corbs, calm down babe, I forgive you, it's okay I promise." Daniel soothes Corbyn. 

Corbyn nods and rests his head against Daniels chest more comfortably. Daniel leans them back so they're laying in bed and pulls the blankets over the both of them. Delicately Daniel brings Corbyn's bruised hands up to his lips and kisses them, frowning at how tight she must have held them. 

"I love you Corbs. It'll be okay, we'll sort something out." Daniel reassures him. 

Corbyn sniffs and nods, "I love you too Dani. Thank you for believing me." 

"Always." Daniel whispers with a small smile on his face. 


Daniel and Corbyn spoke to their manager the next day, and were able to get a restraining order on her, and make sure she couldn't do anything to any of the boys. They also told the fans what happened, as they all thought Corbyn was cheating on Daniel, and they were quick to apologise and delete the posts. 

Corbyn was so happy that he had such a great boyfriend. 




A/N- I hope it was okay, and again, i'm sorry it took a while to be written. 

- M xx

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