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Jaemin was already on loker when he saw jisung was running and smiling crazily

Waoh waoh what happened jisung why are you running?? '"Jaemin said as cunfusing face

Sorry hyung but I see my crush jisung said as smiling

Ohh really where he is

He is there  hyung

Then jaemin saw a small blush boy with a blonde hair and bright smile in her face

Ohh wo you know him""
Jaemin said as looking at the blonde hair boy

No but I heard her name is chenle he is from China """

. Yea jisung love chenle from the beginning even though they never meet and chenle even don't know her

.. Ohh chenle are you sure he is this boy

. Yea her cute smile and cute face "" Jisung say as looking at chenle

Ugh fine now tell him you like him "" Jaemin said as looking at chenle still

.. How how can I say that it's not even that easy

If you love him you can ""'jaemin said as looking at chenle still

..hyung if you will fall in love you will know how it feels

..i wish I was in love with someone but I doesn't like anyone ""'jaemin said as boy looking and smiling


Ohh jisungie school time let's go

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