A small fight

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                              ~Irina POV~

"What happened Irina?!" The octopus screamed, "I-I don't know! We were just talking then a light flash and and-" "calm down Irina we'll figure this out together," the octopus calmed me down by putting the tip of one of his tentacles on the side of my neck.

"Thanks.." "we should probably tell the others," he said as he turned pick and started to play with baby Nagisa. "Yeah you tell them while I stay here and watch them." I informed him.

                        ~3rd person POV~

Koro sensei walks in to class after getting some clothes for the two boys, the class
stood up and pointed the weapons at the teacher. "Please put the weapons away I have some news to inform you about." The class put their weapons down but didn't sit down the stood there watching their teacher every move, "it's about Nagisa-"

"WHATS WRONG WITH NAGISA?!" The class yelled cutting off the octopus, "you didn't let me finish, it's about Nagisa AND Karma." The class gave each other worried glances, "what's wrong with them" isogai ask with worry in his voice. "How about I show you" BRING THEM IN IRINA!" Koro sensei shouted. The class was silent staring at the door.

"Ow!!! That hurt you jerk!" And small squeaky voice screeched, "stop it you two brats !!" It was Professor Bitchs' voice. The class was confused why was Professor Bitch yelling at someone, but that wasn't what confused them it was who she was yelling at.

She walked in to the classroom gasped followed when they noticed her hold the children by the back of the neck. Like how a mama dog hold her puppies. The children were trying to hit each other and yelling, it was honestly adorable.

"Stop being such a jerk to me"
"Then stop being a bitch!"
"That's a bad word!! Your mama said not to say those words"
"Well I don't care!"

Irina put the two boys down, which was a big mistake, the kids started to hit each other, she started to yell and pull them apart to stop them but they keep coming back, until the blue boy who could not control his anger and bloodlust took a pencil from the ground and tried to stab the other in the arm, but luckily for the red head Koro sensei took the pencil from the bluenett so he just hit the red head in the arm which still hurt. The red head started screaming and tears ran down his soft cheeks as Irina pick him up.

"Wow as a baby Nagisa could not control his bloodlust." Irina sighed, "But he's to young to have so much bloodlust" Koro sensei added. The class was silent accept for the small sniffs coming from the red headed baby that was snuggled up in Irinas arms.

"THATS NAGISA!!?" The class shouted startling the to kids, they both started to cry, then Isogai picked up Nagisa and calmed him down as Irina calmed The red head down.

"Then the red head karma?" Okajima asked, the class started at him like 'are you serious'
"Yes this is Karma" Irina sighed. "So what are we going to do about this?" Okuda asked.

They started to discuss a plan until Kanzaki pointed out, "where's Nagisa and Karma?" Isogai and Irina looked down at theirs arms. "H-huh?! I had him a minute ago" Irina said startled. "Over here Ritsu" sang cheerfully.

The class looked over at Ritsu's box and sweat dropped.

Nagisa was sitting on the foor playing with the anti-Koro sensei knife, while karma what playing with his a little longer than a bob but a little smaller that a shoulder length hair.

"Didn't the hate each other a minute ago?" The class and Irina mumbled.

The picture is about how long Nagisa hair is.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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