Obsession Prologue + Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

After breakfast I ran upstairs to brush my teeth while my mom put all the dishes in the sink for future cleaning. I swear she thinks they wash themselves if only she puts them there. Instead I wash them after school as neither of us really have the time in the mornings.

'Mom!' I yelled down the stairs.

'Yes, sweetie?'

'Have you seen my black ballerinas?'

There was a short pause, and then she called back: 'Yeah, they're in my room, I think. I had them yesterday!'

I rolled my eyes. That was the downside of having the same shoe size as my mom: she kept "borrowing" my shoes!

I came downstairs fully dressed, shoes on and bag in hand - though there wasn't really that much in it: a pencil, pen, eraser, notebook, phone and iPod. What? It was my first (very late) day of senior year! And, I didn't even have any school books yet to put in it.

'You need to stop stealing my shoes, mom', I said as I reentered the kitchen.

'I only borrowed them!' she was quick to defend. See, I told you - "borrowed".

'Whatever', I said. We had already had this exact conversation a million times.

'Come on now, we have to go or I'll be late for work.'

As I followed my mother out the front door, I was almost blinded. Jesus! Was it always this sunny in California? I blinked.

'Start the car, mom. I'm just going to get my sunglasses', I said and turned.


The car slowed to a stop, and I looked up at my new school with a sigh. Here we go...

'Lily.' My mom's voice stopped me halfway out the door, and I turned back to look at her.


She had a slight crease between her eyebrows and I was sure I was copying her.

'Be careful, make lots of new friends and remember who you are.'

'Mom-' I started, but was cut short.

'Lily. I love you. And you're beautiful', she added with a smile. 'Remember that too.' I smiled.

'I will mom. Thanks. I love you too.' She faked a pout.

'I'm not beautiful?' I laughed.

'You know you are: it's in the genes,remember? Bye.'

I closed the door behind me and turned for the school entrance.

W.O.W. Here we go, Lily. Come on. MOVE. YOUR. FEET! That's right, good. And now the left one. Come on. You can do it! Come on! Before you look like a COMPETE IDIOT!

I went up the broad stairs to the large doors and pushed them open. The blinding brightness of the outdoors immediately slipped into nonexistence as it was replaced by the dusk of the school halls. Only then did I remember I still had the black-toned sunglasses on, and took them off, at once getting annoyed at the electric fakeness of light streaming from the lamps in the ceiling. It was almost blue. Or maybe it just seemed that way since the corridor walls were painted a sky-blue color.

Thankfully, the reception was just to the right of the great doors, or I would have surely gotten lost right away, with all the students pushing their way forward through the crowd. I made my way over to face a friendly-looking receptionist with big, fluffy, red hair and thick glasses.

'Hi', I said. 'I'm Lily Hammond, new girl.'

'Oh, hi! Of course. I'll get you your things. Wait right here for just a second - I'll be right back.' And she disappeared behind a thin wall, just to reappear a second later with a few papers in her hand. 'Fill these in for me, won't you?' she said and pushed two papers and a pen in front of me. 'It's for emergencies and stuff, you know?'

You don't know what obsession is... Until you meet me. (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now