Oh boy...

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(Biana's p.o.v.)

I took out my keys and unlocked the door to my dorm and walked in to find two pretty girls with auburn hair and blonde hair. The girl with auburn hair had a yellow crop top on with some denim jeans and a red flannel tied around her waist. She had no freckles and dazzling crystal eyes. The girl with blonde hair had a red sweater/shirt thing on and a cute beanie with black pants. She had a few light freckles and...brown eyes. I knew those brown eyes...they were..Sophie's... 


(Sophie's p.o.v.)

Biana gasped when she saw me. I slowly got off my seat and made my way towards her. Biana and I hugged the death out of each other. Biana ended the hug, but kept her hands on my shoulders. Biana sniffled and said,

"Look at you! You've grown up so well!" I chuckled a little bit.

"Thanks. I've missed you so much" I said. Then I remembered how awkward this must be for Jess.

"Oh um this is Jess! She's our dorm mate for this semester!" I introduced. Jess got up from her seat and went to shake hands with Biana. 

"Hi! I'm Biana. Love your outfit by the way!" Biana said. 

"Thanks! Your dorm is room 3 by the way" Jess said pointing to door that led to their rooms. Biana held up a thumbs up and headed to her room before running back to grab her suitcases. After that, Jess and I got to know each other while Biana set up. 

"No Ariana Grande is better than Camilla Cab-" I was interrupted by Biana squealing her head off from her room. Uh oh...I know that squeal. Party time. Yay. 

"OMG!! Cassie Brewer is throwing a party and we have to go!!" She said coming out from her room. I sighed and got up to go get dressed. I knew there was no way out of this. 

"The parties at 7:00, so we have an hour and a half, so CHOP CHOP PEOPLE!!" Biana yelled. I went to my closet and went through my clothes and picked two outfits to choose from. 

Outfit 1

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Outfit 1

Outfit 1

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Outfit 2

I decided todo outfit 1 since it was more casual. I had gotten better at walking in heels so I just  figured I could pull them off. In fact, I had gotten so much better, that I was better at walking in heels than in normal shoes. I quickly applied some light lip gloss and put my hair into a messy bun. I walked out of my room and grabbed my phone off from the counter to check the time. 6:30. I had thirty minutes to binge watch Netflix. Sweet! I put Stranger thing on and kept on pumping my fists in the air every time Eleven hit possessed Billy. Biana walked out of the room wearing a pretty dress.

 Biana walked out of the room wearing a pretty dress

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

And Jess walked out wearing this.

Biana grabbed the remote and turned off the TV

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Biana grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

"Oh come on! El was just about to throw Billy through the brick wall!" I whined. Biana simply rolled her eyes and pulled me up and dragged me to the door. We got a taxi and drove to a building that had a million windows, though I probably should've knew that it was going to be like that considering we were in New York. We walked in and took the elevator to floor 5 as told. The second the doors opened LOUD music filled our ears. I walked in and tried to make my way to a corner that I spotted where not as many people were. After about 10 minutes of being squished so much I finally made it to the corner. I shoved couple who were swallowing each others tongues out of the corner and sat down on a chair and started to scroll through tik tok. Then someone went to the microphone and shouted,"WHOS UP FOR SOME KARAOKE!", and the crowed cheered. The light moved every where before moving onto me. Shoot... 

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