start a war

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remember the rules don't matter anymore he says as I fall against wall the trying to hold my self up 

 try to get out of basement door throwing it open my eyes are blinded bye the sun willing my 

legs to move I start running making sure I knowing where i'm going I have five minutes to get to 

the ravine I one shot to do this or I die all I want is to be with my family again running for a good 

few minutes I hear him yell ready or not.

stopping short of the river I look up to where I need to be.

POV< HIM>> holding the shotgun close slowly creeping knowing where she going to go the final 

thrill blood pumping for the kill I long past waited for walking slowly to the river looking around 


POV> AMARA>> saying a little prayer I jump down on him knocking the gun from his hand we roll

 down the hill eventually stumbling into a tree knocking the wind out of me gasping for breath I 

looking over at him trying to get up I grab onto the tree willing myself up knowing he over powers

 me I look to the ground and see a large rock i quickly pick it running smashing across him head 

watching him fall to the ground I roll him on his back raise my hand and repeatedly hit and 

smash intel my arms can no longer move I fall at his side panting trying to catch my breath 

looking up to the skys for the first time smiling 

breaking angels wingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora