Chapter 1- Storytime

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   "Xue Yang! I won't let you escape again," Xingchen drew his sword and struck forward towards the man in black. Xue Yang smirked and moved to the side, dodging the blow. He was, after all, used to Xingchen's moves.
    Xue Yang flew down to the opposite side of the roof but was pulled back by a piece of string on his wrist. He fell back to the ground, his breath being knocked out of him, and smiled at the string, "How funny."
   Xingchen directed his sword at the fallen man and flew down at full speed. Xue Yang saw this and drew his own sword, blocking the hit.
   The two fought and in the end, only Xue Yang was wounded. He was thrown to the side by the string and stood up with a scoff, "This talisman is interesting, what's it called?"
    A man in black, Wei Ying, replied, "I'm thinking about calling it Binding or Bonding."
   "How about Dying?" Xue Yang sneered before creating a dust of pink smoke. Everyone covered their eyes and Xue Yang attacked Xingchen again.
   But his sword was blocked by another, and it wasn't Xingchen's. He looked and saw Song Lan, who was the new lover of Xingchen.
    "Xingchen," Song Lan greeted.
    "Zichen," Xingchen replied with a nod. Xue Yang watched the interaction and felt a bitter feeling fill him up, he was jealous.
    With a sword pointed at him he walked inside the mansion and let the men tie him up. He was standing still and watched the men talk about the Yin Iron, and Wei Ying began patting him down.
    "Ah?" Xue Yang questioned when the man touched his waist, "Isn't this a bit improper for a young master? Aren't you afraid of rumors spreading?" He looked up and smirked at Xingchen who glared at him.
    Wei Ying stood up after patting him down, "I'm sorry, but when it comes to being cheeky, nobody is better than me." Him and Xue Yang shared a fake chuckle.
   Wei Ying went to Wangji, "Lan Zhan, how about taking out your Yin Iron to see if it xan sense something?"
    "No need," Wangji replied, "after we got in there hasn't been any further reaction."
     Wei Ying sighed and began pacing, "He must've hidden it somewhere, that's why he didn't resist at all." 
    "Where do you think he would hide the Yin Iron?" Jiang Cheng asked, he was Wei Ying's brother.
    "I think...the most dangerous place is the safest," Wei Ying said. He walked outside with Wangji and Jiang Cheng, leaving the couple alone with Xue Yang.
    "Tell me Xue Yang, are you under any clan's order?" Song Lan asked.
     Xue Yang laughed, "Of course not! They are way out of my league."
    Xingchen huffed, "You won't take on the major clans, yet you kill the minor ones without even blinking."
    "It's a personal matter," Xue Yang said smiling.
    "What kind of personal thing did they do to deserve this?" Song Lan asked. Xue Yang's lip curved upwards as he slowly turned to Song Lan. Xingchen saw what the man was doing and pulled Song Lan to the side.
     "Leave him alone," he said.
     "Xiao Xingchen, who are you to tell me what to so?" Xue Yang asked, his eyes flashing with something that the other could not quite pick up. Xingchen went silent at the question and turned away, knowing he would give in to his ex if he looked at him any longer.
    The rest came in and Wei Ying shook his head, "We couldn't find it."
    "What do you want to do now?" Song Lan asked.
    "Nie is coming soon with reinforcements, they can take Xue Yang and punish him at Unclean Realm," Wei Ying explained.
    "Alright," Song Lan nodded, "then me and Xingchen should get going."
     "Why can't you come with us?" Wei Ying asked.
    Xingchen smiled, "I know nothing if the Yin Iron, neither does Zichen. We were just passing by and we don't want to get attached to any clan."
    Wei Ying nodded, "I understand."
    "Thank you besides, I don't think I would be much of any help. My master, Baoshan Sanren, didn't like the idea of us getting near the Yin Iron."
    "You're master was Baoshan Sanren?!" Wei Ying exclaimed, "Did you ever meet someone named Cangse Sanren?"
"Of course, she was my Senior Sister," Xingchen replied smiling, "why?"
"Cangse Sanren was my mother..." Wei Ying said.
"Wei Ying?" Xingchen asked.
"Yes, I introduced myself as Wei Wuxian which is my courtesy name," Wei Ying said.
"Of course it's you," Xingchen said, "you look exactly like your mother."
"Do I?" Wei Ying asked hopefully.
"You do, she also acted like you," Xingchen chuckled, "so mischievous."
Wei Ying laughed, "So doesn't that make you my uncle?"
"Yes," Xingchen said nodding.
"You look too young to be called uncle," Wei Ying commented, "can I call you brother instead?"
"Whatever makes you comfortable," Xingchen offered a sweet smile and Wei Ying smiled widely.
"Great! Brother Xiao, how have you been these past years?" The young man looked excited to have finally found someone that wad family.
"Great, and may I call you a-Ying? Or is a-Xian better?" Xingchen asked.
"A-Ying, a lot of people call me a-Xian already," Wei Ying said pouting.
"Alright, how have you been a-Ying?" Xingchen had a fond look in his eyes as he talked to the younger man. Almost like he was talking to a brother or son even.
"I've been good," Wei Ying replied, "how was my mother back then?"
Xingchen sighed, "She was a trouble-maker. Always messing around and drinking and getting in trouble, I often joined her. Master Baoshan was quite amused by her, and I'm convinced she was her favorite student."
"Really? Even if she did all that?" Wei Ying asked surprised.
"Mhm," Xingchen nodded, "although she was mischievous, she was wise and lively."
"Was she a good student?"
"Very, she always studied and made sure she got everything done on time. I admired her very much," Xingchen smiled at the happy memories, "I just hope she is at peace now."
"You're my uncle, but we're the same age and you are wiser than you have to be," Wei Ying mentioned, "I wish you could stay longer with us but I understand if you must leave."
Xingchen bowed his head, "Thank you, a-Ying."

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