Author's introduction

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Hello, this is Arita. I am a 20 year old Portuguese girl that loves to read fanfictions and doujinshis about boy x boy couples! (My favorite couples are Thilbo, Bokuaka, Kurotsuki and Kevedd).
I've already written dozens of fanfictions, but this is my first time sharing one of my writings to everyone, and I am a little anxious.

I'll make every drawing that appears in the story because I don't want anyone to think I've stolen their art, because I am really inexperienced at public sharing.
I hope you like my illustrations!

I am very excited to work on this project because Thilbo Bagginshield is my current favorite ship. I am deeply fond of the idea of a love between this two!

*Personal opinion*: If Bilbo and Thorin were actually canon, The Hobbit Triology (movie version), would be my favorite romance in the world! The passion I feel between the 2 characters is so intense, like... GWAAAAHHHH! I cry every time I see the end... But the "love" I sense gives me such a romantic vibe: Thorin hates "everyone", but he cares about Bilbo... and Bilbo does everything he can to help/protect Thorin! - When he gave the Arkenstone to Thranduil and Bard was my favorite part.
I find it a beautiful story and I'll make sure to share my passion with you!

During my writing, you may found many grammar mistakes because Portuguese is my first language...
I am here to answer all your questions if the story gets confusing, and hear all of your constructive criticism!


I am so happy to start this project! I really hope you like it!
I get unmotivated very easily so if I see no success or much hate, I'll probably delete it to avoid any unnecessary embarrass.


Thank you for reading until here!

Ps: I am really obsessed with prophecies, past, and the concept of submission to the idea of "power" from material objects.

Tolkien really had me reflecting about important things in life!


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