Discovering Rayne

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            Everyone thinks you need to be perfect. Actually scratch that – they want you to be perfect. They want you to be the golden girl or the golden boy. They want you to have the perfect parents, the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend, the perfect grades, the perfect life.

Everything has to be perfect.

But want the truth?

No one can be perfect. Even if you think they are perfect they aren’t. They never were, the never will be.

Everyone has their flaws.

Every single person out there in the world is not perfect.

Want to know something else?

If you are perfect and have no flaws, then let’s just say you aren’t human. Because a human isn’t perfect. A human has flaws and mistake.

Everyone thinks I’m perfect – me, Rayne Willows.

I have the perfect parents, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect grades, the perfect life, everything.

But that’s not true.

Inside, I’m broken and sad.

And if you take away the bracelets that are on my wrists, you’ll see the old scars and the new cuts.

Those were all done by me.


Because I’m unhappy and alone even though no one notices.

But honey, who would notice? They think you’re perfect.

And I’m beginning to hate that word so much.

Nothing is ever perfect.

I’m not.


My parents are monsters and my boyfriend is a monster.

All three of them hit and abuse me on occasion.

They abuse me emotionally and physically. And in my boyfriends case, sexually too.

But the thing is, every mark those monsters have given me, are covered up with makeup.

Every single one of them.

The thing that hurts? No one notices behind the fake laughter, happiness, or smiles. They see the perfect image outside because they don’t want to know what kind of person you really are inside.

It’ll ruin you.

And want to know something else?

I’m sick of it.

I’m sick of hiding it. I’m sick of people controlling. I’m tired of it.

So watch out world, Rayne Willows is about to break that perfect image you all see. 

[Okay so, this is a new story I'm working on. I have the first three chapters done, but I'm not posting them yet. This story is different from Broken Love, when you read the chapters, you'll see why. Anyway, tell me what you think so far? Comment, fan, vote, whichever.]

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