A little trouble

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~3rd person POV~

Nagisa was walking to school, "Hey, Nagisa!"
And familiar voice rang through his ears.
"Karma!" He said as a certain redhead walked next to him.

They talked for a while, then Nagisa remembered his new neighbor gave him a fortune cookie! He broke the cookie in half and handed one half to the redhead. "Here!" He said with his signature smile on, Karma just shook his head,
"come on nothing gonna happen it a fortune cookie." I took a while of begging but he finally gave in a ate the other half.

"What does the paper say?" Karma questioned,

If only it was the picture who was to grow old, and I remain young. There's nothing in the world I wouldn't give for that. Yes, I would give even my soul for it.

"Creepy." Karma said, "yeah" Nagisa agreed.
They walked and talked up the the hill and in to the small building. "See, I told you nothing would happen." Nagisa said playfully,

"Oh, hello you two," the boys turned around quickly to see who said that. "Oh, hello Bitch sensei!" Nagisa said with his signature smile back on his face and karma with his regular smirk.

"Well-" Irina wa cut off with a flash of blue light blinding her. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU TWO OK?!" She yelled with worry in her
words. "Yep!" A small voice said, Irina look around for a bit, "we are down her you old lady"

She hesitated to look down but she eventually did, a gasp escape her lips as she was met with two small children, one with blue hair and a cheerful face, the other had red hair and a grumpy face.

"Nagisa...Karma?" Her voice just above a whisper. The boys both looked at her with curiosity as she said their names. "Yes?" The bluenett said as he tilted his head to the side.

"Good morning miss Irina!" A yellow octopus said, "and good morn-" ... "what the?"

Baby Nagisa and KarmaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat