Chapter whatever i cant remember

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Vikk's POV

I walked back to the car with Lachlan and we drove to the airport. We already had everything planed. We waiting on a bench, me and Lachlan enjoyed these moments together, even though we loved the guys.

"Merome has entered the building." Mitch said looking at us.

"Hi! Fancy seeing you here!" Joked Lachlan.

"Mmhhmm." Murmered Jerome sipping his coffee. I rolled my eyes and was about to make a snide comment when Preston and Rob came over. I rolled my eyes again.

"Ayyee! That double eye roll dou!" Yelled Mitch. The reason I rolled my eyes? Preston was on Rob's back and Rob fell over.

"HIYA!" Yelled Rob.

"Oh gawd. Three weeks with these nutcases?" I asked. Jerome then pulled Mitch onto his back, and tugging Lachlan onto my back, he demanded a race. I sighed. "Well, we obviously need double names. Vikklan, Merome and Poofles." Done.

"GO!" Yelled Rob, If that didn't attract enought attention this would.

"ONWARDS LITTLE DONKEY!" Yelled Mitch from Jerome's shouldour. I pelted for the exit, as did everyone else.

He has a secret, can he keep it? (Vikklan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें