They got to the house and (Y/N) got out quickly trying to keep her distance from Joo Dee, soon everyone else came out with Joo Dee saying "welcome to your new home!!" (Y/N) mumbled to herself "not for long hopefully", to which Toph nodded in agreement. Joo Dee then got a scroll and said excitedly "More good news! Your request for an audience with the Earth King is being processed, and should be put through in about a month. That's faster than usual!!" The whole group looked surprised and Sokka said "A Month!!?!".

Joo Dee hurried them inside which (Y/N) didn't like and she said "Isn't it nice? I think you'll really enjoy it here." In her usual creepy happy tone, Sokka who had his hands on his hips tried to compromise with Joo Dee "I think we would enjoy it more if we weren't staying for so long. Can't we see the Earth King any sooner?" To which Joo Dee made up an excuse, Aang who had Momo on his shoulder tried to turn this into a somewhat positive thing "If we're going to be here for a month, we should spend our time looking for Appa." The group liked that idea until Joo Dee interrupted saying "I'd like to escort you anywhere you'd like to go."

Toph, (Y/N) and Katara were all looking annoyed, Toph then said rolling her eyes " We don't need a babysitter" To which (Y/N) replied with "Yeah, I already am" to which the group looked at her and she shrugged "What it's true" Toph then began walking to the door to which Joo Dee then said "Oh, I won't get in the way." She took a step in front of Toph which caused her to step back a little "And to leave you alone would make me a bad host! ,Where shall we start?" Toph turned around in annoyance, she looked at (Y/N) and said "Maybe you WERE right" She crossed her arms and stood next to her.

So the group was followed around by Joo Dee wherever they went, asking the pet store owner, a university student and even someone other people, every time they all couldn't give them any information. (Y/N) noticed Joo Dee was giving them a threatening look which made the people fall back and try to get away. Eventually they were led back to their house with Joo Dee talking to them from inside the carriage while everyone else was on the steps of the house. "Well, I'm sorry no one has seen your bison. Why don't you go get some rest‌?Someone will be over with dinner, later." The carriage rode off and they noticed across the street someone was peeking through his door at them, Sokka walked over and everyone followed with (Y/N) glaring a little at the carriage which was still in sight.

Sokka knocks at the door and the same man opens it saying "You're the Avatar!,I heard you were in town. I'm Pong." Aang smiled and said "Hello Pong, it's nice to meet you" Pong smiled at the group with Sokka then asking "So, Pong, what's going on with this city? Why is everyone here so scared here to talk about the war?" He looks very scared now looking side to side "War? Scared? What do you mean?" To which Toph said a little Annoyed " I can feel you shaking" Pong looked around before saying "I'm just a minor government official, I've waited three years to get this house. I don't want to get into trouble." The group looked a little confused with (Y/N) asking "Get in trouble with Who?" He shushed them and whispered "Shh, listen, you can't mention the War here. And whatever you do, stay away from the Dai Li." He closes the door quickly and the group looks at each other in confusion.


It was the middle of the night and (Y/N) hadn't gotten to sleep yet, she just couldn't sleep. She decided to just climb onto the roof of the house and just laid down looking up at the stars, she enjoyed the silence but with a hit of the buzz of noise coming from the lower ring. She didn't know how long she was up there but she heard the sound of earth moving and footsteps coming towards her "hey..." the simple monotone voice of a tired Toph rang out in the silent night. (Y/N) sighed and said "hey...", Toph just invited herself to lay down next to her saying "so what's on your mind" "Hm??" (Y/N) said looking at Toph in confusion, Toph sighed and said " it's the middle of the night and you're looking at the stars, you usually do this when you're upset or something is on your mind"

Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for her]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu