The Arrival of Shadow

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Altheda Potter groaned, clutching her head. The last she remembered, the family had been seeking to keep the Infinity Stones away from Thanos. Her, her cousin-but-more-like-brother Tony, her other pseudo brothers, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Bruce, and Clint, and her basic sister Wanda. There were others, of course, but they were not Her family. And they were relatively new: if not for the circumstances, they would not be considered Avengers officially. 

And....Nat. Natasha. Her wife, her confidant...Her soulmate. If she had only been there, she could have easily saved her...but she had not been, and when she heard the news, her magic lashed out, and she ended up here. Wherever "here" was. Looking around, she frowned, trying to figure out where she was, only to freeze when she heard a sound she hadn't heard in years.

it had to be a memory...right? Nat had "disposed" of the two elder Dursleys long ago. Death had been happier for it. Looking around, she nearly face palmed as.words rang through her head. "Are you a witch, or not?!"

Altheda smiled bitterly at the memory. She had been .so naive back then, and it had caused so much death and destruction. As master of death, she could see when a death was fated, and not all of those were. She had been a little girl fooled by magic and a pair of twinkling eyes.  If only she had discovered sooner....but her years as master of death had taught her well. Fates could be cruel, but not always. It's simply a matter of balance. Just as with Thanos, there is no death without life. In his attempts to court her, let alone that she had a wife, he was only enraging her by upsetting the natural balance of the universe,well really the multiverse. The concept was the same: there were a lot of bad things in her strand of fate, but if she hadn't been locked out by Wizarding Britain for being a so called rising Dark Lady, she never would have met her family. She suspected that these strange occurrences were also a shift in her fate.

As master of death, Altheda had never been afraid of it. Even less so now: Death was more like a friend. Her wife, Natasha, had been almost seductively entwined with death her entire life. They made a powerful duo, that was for certain. 

From what Altheda had deducted, she was in the cupboard under the stairs. That meant either an illusion, a memory, or what she was leaning towards...time travel. It could have come from a number of factors. Her animagus was a phoenix, and they do not take well to betrayals. Especially not the Shadow Phoenix. That buildup, combined with her magic, plus the backlash of grief from losing both a miscarried baby, Natasha, and her soon to be adopted son Peter being dusted?? No wonder her magic had lashed out. But she would figure it out later.

There was a saying that Altheda had heard: don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Sure, she intended to look into it at some point,but at the moment, she needed to plan.

She was a marauder, and she never did things by halves. Dumbledore would pay,and she was going to have FUN doing it. But first...Her family.

Look out world, here comes one p***ed off Altheda Cassiopeia Potter.

A knock sounded on the cupboard door. RIght. The Dursleys. Well...all plans take time. And she wasn't planning on wasting hers.

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