17. Kemi

38 14 4

Tuesday 9th August
12:00 Pm


This was a bad idea.

Coming to the beach after weeks of being cooped up in my house was beginning to feel like a very bad idea. I thought getting away from my strict parents and hanging out with friends was what I needed. To breathing in fresh air and have fun.

I should have at least thought of the inconveniences. Landmark beach was an exclusive resort in Victoria island about an hour from the estate. It was one of the top 5 beaches in Lagos, but they lacked common sense in the part of not making the car park closer to the beach. I paid an expensive gate fee that has dug a hole in my purse and I still had to walk a far distance in the sun.

The hot blazing sun was setting my skin ablaze as I struggled to carry my two left legs like a sensible person with the beach sand dragging my feet back, holding on to my bag on my shoulder, wiped the sweat from my face and adjusted my glasses. One downfall of having eye problem was I couldn't wear sun glasses, so I opted for face caps and in this case I wore a beach hat.

Cursing out loud and grumbling, I noticed the white kimono I was wearing over my swimwear clung to areas I was sweating profusely, as I raised my hands to clean off the sweat on my nose and jaw again. It was annoying and I needed to get under a shade or into cold water very soon.

The amount of sweat I produced was alarming though I was already used to it. It was part of the reason I avoided sports or anything that would take too much energy, not because I had weight. People advised I stop eating salt, but no way. I'd just ended up hating foods which could never happen. I was not proclaimed president of foodie's for nothing.

Laura had gone ahead to book a private cabin we could keep our properties so they don't get stolen with the anticipated crowd coming in an hour or two, leaving I and Mabel behind.

Then out of nowhere came Toby who swooped Mabel in his arms with ease like her fairytale prince charming and left me behind wishing I was the one he carried.

I was the one breathing heavily like I had just ran a marathon and dying slowly of a heat stroke, so I should have been the one he carried. Not Mabel that was light weight and did everything in her life with ease.

Being tortured with the sight of both of them was not easy. I thought hanging out with Mabel during this holiday would help me get closer to Toby, but no. I was burned and slapped, seeing them act all lovey dovey like amateur couples. I had willingly signed myself up for heartbreak.

The beach was already buzzing with activities, friends and family scattered everywhere, the sound of the waves from the speedboats on the water. I was passing by the stage that was being step up for the upcoming beach party when the tasty aroma of barbequed chicken blocked my senses causing my mouth to water.

I promised myself to taste that as soon as possible. I finally got to the spot we paid for. Four reclining seats with big umbrellas over them, where Toby and Mabel occupied. There was an open hut with chairs and tables beside the cabin.

I groaned as I sat on a chair in the hut, removed my glasses and my hat which I began using to fan myself.

"See how you're breathing heavily like you walked from Maryland to this place," Laura teased as she walked in and sat beside me.

I wore my glasses back so I could see properly. "It sure felt like it. It's not my fault I'm so unfit unlike you."

She stretched her thin long legs on the table and turned to me, "Well if you stopped eating so much and learned to exercise you wouldn't be so unfit."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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