But I also know that Paige isn't acting like herself tonight. She's normally much friendlier and it's only a matter of time before Maddox notices there's something up. However, I'm banking on him being more focused on keeping his own secret than worrying about the way Paige is acting.

I try to hide my smile because all Lacey keeps proving is that I made the right decision in bringing her, even if I've had a piss poor attitude since Paige showed.

"It's hard leaving the people you love, but if you can find your people then it could end up being the best decision you ever made." Sephine speaks up as Hayes rests his hand on hers.

Lacey smiles softly at her, "I think you might be onto something there."

"I for one am glad you're here. I think we've gotten a little too comfortable with the way things are. Dean bringing someone new might be exactly what we need to get some excitement in here," Tessa announces just as Grayson finally comes back in.

"I'm so sorry guys. I had no idea that would take as long as it did. What are we talking about?" He asks sliding back into his seat between Tessa and Hayes.

Sephine chuckles shaking her head, "Tessie thinks thinks we've all become boring."

Grayson lets out a short laugh, "I'm perfectly content being boring when the other option is our lives being a freaking disaster."

Paige nods agreeing with him, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be content if the rest of my life was boring and comfortable." She means it as a joke, but Maddox's face falls at the reminder of what happened to her. He reacts differently every time it gets brought up.

I try to keep the mood light, "I can second that, but I don't know. I think some mixing it up would be good," I say winking at Lacey whose smile grows. It's a pretty smile.


"I know I promised you a drink after all that, but I am absolutely wiped. Raincheck though?" I ask, glancing over at her as the streetlights cast shadows on Lacey's face.

"Not a problem, thanks for bringing me tonight. I had a lot of fun, but I'm exhausted. I forgot how tiring socializing is," She jokes giggling lightly.

I can't help but smile because I had a fun time with her, even if Paige showing up caused my anxiety to hit new heights. "Especially with them. There's so many bold personalities that I have a hard time keeping track of the conversation."

"I do have to admit that I got lost more than a few times during conversations. It was just surprising how down to earth all of them were," Lacey admits shyly. "Paige was interesting."

I give her an apologetic look as she stares at me with her dark brown eyes that are almost black in the lighting. "I'm sorry about her. She's been through a lot. She's definitely wary of new people."

"I'm sure it doesn't help that I came with the guy she's been seeing."

My jaw drops slightly but I try to recover, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She gives me a look, "If that's how you want to play it, you might want to be a little less obvious." I don't want to admit that she has a point. Paige and I weren't very successful at hiding whatever is going on.

I let out a sigh, "It's never happening again." Lies lies lies. I don't know how many times I can say that and still believe it.

"I'm assuming that Maddox doesn't know you're seeing her?" Lacey infers and I feel the guilt twist inside my stomach.

What The End Looks Like | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora