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Disclaimer: I do not own That time I got reincarnated as a slime or Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon. That time I got reincarnated as a slime is owned by Fuse and Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon is owned by Fujino Ōmori. Please support the official release.

(A/N: if you're new here just want to let you know this is an old version of the story.  I have a new version(and one I believe to be better) that I am currently working on under the same name as this.  so yeah.  you can read this if you want you can ignore it or whatever.  anyways to those who haven't read my other version and are getting notifications about this one let me explain.  I made a new version of this.  I took this version down so it didn't get confusing with both having the same name and title picture and then decided to reupload this version because I'm going on a hiatus for reasons that are explained in the latest chapter of the other version of the story (if that makes any sense) all you have to know is I decided to reupload this due to this hiatus on the other story and will not be continuing this.  that is all.)

Dark. it's really dark. What's going on, I think to myself, where am I?


I take a deep breath, Calm down, let's see what I remember

My name is formerly Mikami Satoru. A 37-year-old, nice guy. While saving my junior from some street slasher, I got stabbed instead. I was then reincarnated as a slime in which I ate the storm dragon Veldora to analyze and eventually release him from his prison. I did so after receiving a name from him, Rimuru Tempest. I then met a group of goblins and saved them from some direwolves which later joined our village. After gaining a group of dwarf artisans from the dwarf kingdom, I met a group of adventurers along with a fellow otherworlder from Japan named Shizu. After defeating Ifrit, a greater spirit that lived within her, she died. Her final wish was to allow me to eat her. I also promised her I'd punch a demon lord. Leon Cromwell was it. Once that happened I found and named Some ogres from a destroyed Ogre clan and promised to help defeat an Orclord. In the middle of me fighting the mastermind behind the Orclord. Some magic born named Gelmud. The Orclord killed Gelmud and ate him, becoming Orc Disaster.  He began evolving into a demon lord. I defeated him before his evolution complete and I then caught the attention of the demon lord, Milim. And after kicking some of Carrion's men after they caused some trouble one of them came back as Charybdis to get revenge against milim for humiliating him. Milim then proceeded to one-shot him without killing him. Thanks to Milim not killing him we were able to establish relations with the beast kingdom Yuurazania who was led by another demon lord. Once that happened I went to another kingdom called Ingrassia. In my dreams, Shizu was asking me to save her students. I then met Yuuki, one of Shizu's older students and headmaster of the guild then got his permission to teach the kids. After a while of teaching them, I was able to save them with the help of the "demon lord" Rimiris and Greater spirits. After that, I began to return to Tempest but was interrupted by Hinata, another one of Shizu's older students. and she... attacked me. my memory ended there.

Damn. Did she kill me? ... I ask that but. that has to be it. There isn't any other explanation. But more importantly, did I die and get reincarnated again? Hmm? Veldora said that it's rare for people to die than get reincarnated but...

I'm beginning to think reincarnation isn't that rare at all. Am I even in the same world as the one before? hmm... He did say it was more common for people to die and get reincarnated if they stay in the same world. So maybe?

And then.


Hmm? What was that?


old ver. discontinued) is it wrong for slimes to be in dungeons Danmachi x TssdkWhere stories live. Discover now