Chapter 11

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After the man disappeared, the handler came to my rescue. She helped me on my feet and let me lean on her. Five saved the young girl and brought her to her mom who was so grateful for him. Lila and Diego came back after apparently having teamed up to save another family.

Here I am now. In bed. Full of bandages. All caused by the man underneath the hood. The man that will feel true pain when time is right.

I haven't said anything about the conversation that the man and I had to anyone. They didn't ask for more details since it was pretty clear that this man is a monster without a heart. But I know more than them. I know that he is a coward.

"So how did he get away?" Five asks me while he keeps walking back and forth next to our bed.

"A time capsule. He had one. I've told you this a dozen times already." I tell him while I throw the blanket off me.

A knock stops Five from asking more. He opens the door immediately and then goes back to walking back and forth.

When it opens, it reveals everyone - including little John in Klaus' arms - behind it. When they hear Five's approving nod, they come in our room and come to stand around the bed.

"Dear God! You are all acting like I'm dying!" I roll my eyes at them all "I am fine!"

I throw my hands in the air and by doing so I stretch my right arm a bit too much and I flinch immediately, making Vanya send me an 'what did you just say?' look.

"It will heal in no time!" I tell them "Now, has anyone found out something more about the hooded man?"

The room stays quiet, making me sigh. Nothing. Nobody knows anything about the man and nobody in the village seems to know someone with powers other than the umbrella academy members.

"You did say that he had a time capsule." The old handler suddenly says, making everyone look up at her. I nod in reply and wait for her to continue talking.

"Well, that means the douche bag is from the commission." She explains.

"A time capsule can easily be stolen from the commission." Five tells her, causing her to frown.

"Still it does tell us that he knows the commission and has been there." She says as she turns her head to me again.

"So it's easy then." Lila says, causing everyone to look at her this time "Y/n have you had an argument with someone at the commission?"

For a second I hesitate to laugh in her face but after sharing a look with Five who clearly thinks the exact same, we both start to laugh loudly.

A frown gets placed on Lila's forehead and she looks at her mom, as if asking her to explain everything.

"Y/n and Five have a reputation there." The old handler tells her daughter.

What a reputation we have. We're known for blowing up and destroying the commission several times, not to forget that everyone there knows that I'm the suicidal girl that changed her fate.

I wonder how much longer I will last. The fighting will never end. I will always be afraid for another apocalypse. I will always be haunted by my past. If not in daydreams, then in nightmares. I have those every single time I fall asleep. I scream. I sweat. I even cry most of the times.

I had hoped that I was finally done with the fighting. That I finally could enjoy my happy ever after. But look how quick everything has changed. How quick  my heaven became hell. How quick people around me got hurt. How quick I had to change back to my old self.

There are many differences between this danger and the last one. But one thing has not changed. My will to fight for everyone's happiness. Even though that it was hard, just like it will be so hard now, I will do everything to protect the ones I love.

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