Sam opened the door and gave the gesture for us to go ahead.  We walked down a long hall and down a stairs.  Dean was about to open the door to where the Metadick was, i looked at Caroline.

"Dude I'm just as pissed as you are about what he did but can you please keep you cool just a little bit.  I don't know if they wasn't to know what your wrath sounds like"

"Psshh, I will be fine don't even worry about it."

Dean and Sam looked at us with raised eyebrows and confusion.  "So are you two done with whatever you were talking about?" Dean asked looking a little concerned but not too concerned, because he didn't possibly think Caroline could be vicious.  "Uh yeah, it's fine, sorry".  I apologized for delaying their time.

As soon as Dean opened the door Caroline marched in lashing out.  "You worthless piece of fucking shit!!!"  She punched the hell out of Metatron.  I leaned up against the wall and sighed because i knew this would happen and i sure as hell wasn't going to try to stop her.

"What the fuck is your problem,  who the fuck casts every angel from heaven down just so you can use them mother fucker, killing Dean was some fucking bullshit as well. Oh and using Cas you dumb fuck!!!" She punched him again as she just kept screaming

"You're a piece of shit, you don't even deserve to live! Why the fuck do you two even still have him here! You're a filthy roach, how dare you even call yourself an angel, you had one fucking job and you couldn't even do that!"

Sam and Dean ran over to grab Caroline, seeing as her wrath was going a little to far. She kicked and screamed for them to let her go.

"Caroline you need to calm down!" Sam said to her.  Caroline slowly calmed down.

Dean looked at me angry. "Why didn't you stop her!?"

"I had no reason to, everything she said was basically right, he's a fucking dick"

Dean walked over to me angrily "Look here you-"

"Dean!" Sam said loudly

"What Sam!  These two numbskulls are going to ruin everything if they don't keep their shit together!"

Sam looked at Dean sternly.  Dean groaned and shot me a look of irritation.

"Ah, ah, ah, you two ladies should be thanking me" Metatron spoke up

"What the hell are you talking about?" I looked at Metatron starting to walk towards him.  Dean put his arm firmly in the way to stop me from getting any more than five feet away.

"It is what you two asked for-"

"We didn't ask for anything you asshole!" Caroline spat

"Oh yes you did, you wanted to be in this world, so here you are.  I even brought along your stuff."

We couldn't really argue with him there.  We did talk about how cool it would be for us to end up in the Supernatural universe, and its not like he left us completely empty.  We have our cars, laptops, clothes and the other little essentials.

"So why did you bring them here in the first place?"  Sam wanted to know just as bad as we did.  Before Metatron could even answer the bunker began to shake.

"What the hell!" Dean screamed over the loud rumbling of the bunker.

All of a sudden Lucifer appeared in front of Sam and Caroline.  "Why hello Sam...and whoever you are." he said looking between Sam and  Caroline.

"Get the fuck away from my sister!" I yelled at him.  Lucifer shot me a look, as if i was underestimating whom i was addressing.

"Do you know who I am"

"Damn straight i know who you are, you need to step away from my sister and you need to step away from Sam!"  Cas suddenly appeared.


"Castiel." they addressed each other.  i interrupted their little hellos, "I said step away!"  he began to walk towards me and stood a couple of inches away.

"Well aren't you brave, don't you know what i can do, I'm not in the cage anymore."

"why yes actually you little shit, i know exactly what you can do and i don't give a single fuck, you're not taking Sam, do you understand that."

"What makes you think you can stop me"

"Because I'm not a little bitch that's what."  Lucifer raised his eyebrows at me he couldn't really understand where my amount of bravery was coming from, and didn't understand the feeling he had on as why he should go.  Before he could think to much the light from the ceiling started falling.  He stopped it then looked at me.

"Did you just?"

"I don't know." He gave me a strong look and then disappeared letting the light complete its fall as it shattered right in front of me.

AN: Alrighty, lol this is getting fun and intense.  I've been a bit busy lately so its hard to find time to write.  I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.  The next few will be getting pretty intense


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