Chapter Sixteen • Lost

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Three days past.

I hadn't seen Chloe since Cas and Ryder had taken her and her disappearance seemed to be the least of all the teacher's worries. When she was missing in my Literature class, no one seemed to notice her absence. It was as if she had never existed.

As for Cas, he, too was nowhere to be seen. He didn't show up to computers and I couldn't find him at lunchtime. Ryder, on the otherhand, could be spotted wandering around the hallways in all his strangeness, with a look that could kill if you stepped too close.

And lastly, Daniel. Even though Beckham had strongly advised me not to avoid his request, I felt that it was better that we didn't talk. He was the one who had pushed me into a mess of lying and deceit, my innocence slowly draining. If it weren't for his ridiculous persistance in the first place, I wouldn't do what I was about to do.

It was mid-afternoon on Saturday, students still populating the halls to get to some extra classes, see a movie, and enjoy their weekend. However, I was stuck doing dirty work. Today was the day I would try and discover the reasons for our missing persons and if I was lucky, find out their hiding place. My first inclination was to speak to Ryder, even though I'd be risking my life just by standing a few feet away from him.

Not quite sure where to start, I began simply by walking around the school. I patroled hallways and scavenged every dark nook that I would expect Ryder to be hiding in. Reietto, in a terrible comparison, was about half the size of Hogwarts (or at least that's what I thought) and somewhat easy to navigate after a week or so. The grandeur of its entire structure still had me amazed, but the fact that it was practically built by twelve year olds was what really made it the landmark it hardly was.

After an hour of dedicated searching, I was still at a loss. I had no idea where his dorm was, and asking another student could give away my position or simply start random, stupid rumors. Publicity was the last thing on my list that I needed.

Just when I was heading up the stairs to my floor, a sudden tap on my shoulder sent me flying in the air with surprise. I whipped around to face the source and saw a serious-looking Daniel staring back at me. Well, aside from the smile he was attempting to suppress, he was overall serious.

"Hi." I raised a brow, but quickly settled on an angered expression. He looked back quizically, but kept quiet. "You can't avoid me forever, Rose," he concluded, moving a bit closer. I had almost made it to the top of the staircase before meeting him, so I felt safe on the higher step I was proudly standing on.

"I guess not," I replied quietly. He just kept staring, and before I knew it, was flushing and staring out the window of the staircase and seeing the endless, green land instead of Daniel.

"Come on, Rose," he said, reaching out for my hand. I looked at him, outraged, pulling my hand away quickly. Was he crazy? Or was I overreacting? How could he even begin to think that he could come here and try to sway me? I wasn't going to sway. I wasn't even going to move.

"Really? Rose, I need to tell you some-"

"Then say it. Whatever you have to say, say it now," I commanded, crossing my arms and glaring at him like a child who wasn't getting their way. Had I stuck my tongue out, I would've completed the look, but there was only an awkward silence. He sighed, irritated and defeated.

"We can't talk here," he mumbled towards the floor, a hand on his forehead in thought.

"Yes we can."

"No, Rose."

"Yes, Daniel," I fought stubbornly. He wasn't going to win this one.

"I can't tell you what I have to tell you in the middle of a public place, Rose!" he said, his voice getting louder. I looked around to make a point.

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