Behind The Scene 1#

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Autor : WooHoo!!! We reach 6K read!!!! *say while recording a video*

Epic : Yeah Bruh!!!! Time for Special Chapter!!!

Cross : It already Happen?! I haven't read my script yet!!!

GT!Sans : Oh boy.

U!Error : Hey Autor is the scene ready yet?

Autor : Working on it.

Fresh kick the door open

Fresh : Yo!!! How it going guy!

Copy : ......

Sans : Who is he? *point at Copy*

Autor : Wait you two are not suppose to be here yet!!!

U!Error : Dammit who is the security?!

Epic & Cross : It would be us.

U!Error : Do you God Darn JOB!!!

Autor : Heh so Choatic. *sip coffee*

Geno : ( •_•) What going here?

Delta and Color walk into the studio

Color : Hey guy i have the p- *look at the chaos happen in the studio*

Delta : Welp i keeping the pizza.

Cameraman : *sip green tea* Huh? Another special chapter?

Ruby : Who is that guy? *point at Copy*

Cameraman : IDK, Never see him before.

Autor : Oh hey come in.

Fatal : ...I like this scene. *read script*

Error : Agreed.

U!Error : Where is the costume?!

Ink : Please wait i making a costume for everyone right now.

Fresh!Ink : We are working hard on it please wait.

Error404 : So what should i say to the fans?

KM!Sans : ZzZzZz *sleep on the sofa*

Killer : *reading tge script* What the hell you replace me with Fatal-197?!

Nightmare : Hey atleast you have you scene time.

Dream : Yeah we only have 2 scene time.

Dust : Am i still in this show? *reading the script*

Horror : *Eat hot dog*

Fatal-197 : H-Hey sorry i-i late!!!

Time Skip

(Autor Camera pov)

Sans : You recording?

*give trump up to sans*

Sans : Ok well as you see this is what happen behind the scene.

SS!Chara : *Sound coming from behind* Who the hell eat my chocolate?!

*turn back to see what happen*

X Chara : Well sorry.

SS!Chara : So it was you!

X Chara : Oh $h!t *run for her life*

SS!Chara : Come back here. *run after X Chara*

Sans : HahaHA you still recording right?

Autor : Ye.


*random content*

Autor : Hehe they are fighting for a chocolate milk again.

The Multiverse Traveler(UndertaleAU X Male!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें