Short Imagine

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I tugged at the hem of my cheerleading skirt. Years of this and I still wasn’t used to having so much skin exposed. It didn’t help that the air conditioning in the gym was on full blast. I guess to keep the basketball players cool they had to sacrifice the warmth of everyone else. Better than a room full of sweat. Maybe. Our team was currently creaming the opposing, so we didn’t have a need to cheer them on. Which allowed my eyes to wander over to Justin. It’s sad really. A girl and a boy, cheerleader and basketball player, same gym; so close yet so far. We’re even friends and all that. So why wouldn’t he ask me out? He probably just thinks of me as a friend, everyone says, and I know that. But still, it’s nice to daydream.

I didn’t realize I had actually fallen asleep until the uproar of cheers managed to surpass the buzzer in loudness. I covered my ears and tried to scurry past the crowd out the door. From past experience, I know it’s better to beat the swarm of people all trying to get out at the same time. I ran out the front door of the school into the warm, humid summer air. Sitting on a bench, I stare at the sky like I usually do. The stars interested me. I don’t know why, just something about those balls of light energy light years away fascinated me.

I jumped as the presence of another person entered the 5 foot radius of where I was sitting. I look to the side, expecting a criminal or something to mug me. But it was Justin. His dazzling eyes met mine and he smiled lopsidedly as he sat down in the empty seat. “Nice weather outside, huh?”

"Heh, yeah. Amazing." Mental facepalm. Who says that? I am such an idiot,

He smiled, sensing my awkwardness. I must have been radiating it. “So, I was wondering if you’d like to go the arcade or something? Like, right now?” Did he just say that? My heart was going a mile a minute.

"Definitely, my mom said she’s going to be coming home late today anyways, so sure!"

We got into his car. He was holding my hand on the way to the place and I was happier than a camel on Thursday. When we pulled up in front of the arcade, I almost squealed in delight. “I used to go to this place when I was younger,” I breathed. He smiled again. I don’t think a smile ever looked more natural on a face.

"I know, this is where we first met. Well, when I first saw you at least." I grinned. "And if you were wondering, yes I did like what I saw." He awkwardly winked at me, making my face heat up faster than a starting fire.

He opened my door for me and again going inside, making me blush again. I don’t think a person should blush that much. I was greeted with the pleasant sound of machines whirring and games beeping, with the background noise of people talking and kids laughing. It was quaint and nice, just like it was years ago. Justin payed the lady at the desk for some tokens and we browsed the line of slots, racing games, and other stuff.

An hour passed an all our tokens were gone. He’d creamed me in air hockey, crushed me at all three races, but at least I won more tickets than him at the luck and chance wheel. We went to redeem our tickets, me having 112 and him 523. I got a small panda plushie I decided I’d name Danny. He got a ginormous elephant and gave it to me, buying a small racecar with his leftover tickets. I couldn’t stop smiling.

We left the arcade holding hands. “I have one more stop in mind,” Justin stated opening my door for me. We drove a short distance, pulling into the town creamery. I solemnly left the elephant and Danny in the car and we walked in. Choosing a booth by the window, Justin sat across from me.

The waitress, a middle aged lady, came over and asked what we wanted. “One large strawberry milkshake with extra whipped cream. Right?” Justin asked me. During all this I forgot he was not only my crush but one of my best friends. He knew me better than I did. I nodded agreement. The lady smiled in that way adults do at “young couples” and went to place the order. Justin looked me in the eyes. “y/n, I’ve liked you for a long time now,” he said quietly.

"Right back at you," I replied nervously. He smiled sweetly.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" I choked on my words, so I nodded rapidly. He leaned over the table, and I was about to meet him halfway when the waitress came with the shake. We pulled away, Justin looking embarrassed as he payed her. We each stuck a straw in it and awkwardly took a few sips.

The drive back to my place was silent. I honestly wasn’t sure what girlfriends and boyfriends talked about. Normal stuff we did as friends? Gushy stuff like in movies? It was confusing. At least I wasn’t the only one.

As we pulled into my driveway, I noticed my parent’s cars were missing. I’m home alone! I think happily. Endless Tumblr scrolling, here I come! He walked me over to the front porch. “Thanks for driving me around,” I say quietly. He says nothing in return, but places his hands on my hips and kisses me goodnight.

Sorry its bad but its my birthday so thank you guys for the birthday wishes and comments ilysm babes

Justin Bieber Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now