Loving Bittersweet (Part Three of You Will Be The Death of Me)

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Okay, for starters let me say this is probably full of errors... you all know me, so you know I hate to proofread. lol So please overlook the errors unless they don't make sense, then I will fix them :P Anyways here is the first chapter of Part 3, I hope everyone likes it! :)


I kept my eyes closed, unwilling to open them. I just wanted so badly to freeze time, to never let another minute pass.

"Leianna," George's voice breaks into my thoughts. I debated on pretending like I never heard him, but when he removed his arms from around me my eyes opened on their own accord.

"I have to get ready," he tells me as he sits up straight.

"Do you really have to go?" I ask, yet again. It made my stomach flip just thinking about what he would be doing in less than an hour.

"You know I do," he replies standing up, "We all do."

"It's so dangerous," I retort drawing my feet up and tucking them under me.

"They don't know we are moving him tonight," George says as he leans down and kisses the top of my head.

"It just scares me," I whisper up to him.

He pulls back and stares down at me, a hint of a smile on his lips.

"I just wish I could go with you George," my eyes never leaving his, "It isn't fair."

"You know you can't," he states as he backs up and reaches for his jacket across the headboard of his bed.

"And why not, I'm of age," I argue with him, "I'm seventeen now."

"Barely," he laughs.

"I don't like it," I state crossing my arms; "I don't like you going out there, risking your life while I am sitting here."

"I prefer it that way," George exclaims as he walks in front of me and takes my hands. He lifts me up off of the bed, "I want you to stay safe, I couldn't risk you getting hurt."

"Well imagine how I feel," I mutter under my breath.  It wasn't right, I felt like I  wasn't doing my part to help.  When they decided the plan to move Harry tonight, I was one of the first to volunteer.  However, George convinced everyone that it would be better I stayed at the burrow.  Part of me felt like the assumed I couldn't handle it, like I was still just a child.

"I understand, but Leianna, it's going to be okay," he tells me.

I go to argue more with him but before I could get it out I hear Molly calling for George.

"I guess it's time."

He lets go of my hands and makes his way towards the door.

I let out a deep breath and reluctantly follow behind him.

Downstairs, everyone had already assembled together.

"There you are," Molly says to George as she walks towards the staircase, "They're going over the plan again."

George steps off the staircase and to where his twin was standing with the rest of the Order.

"Leianna dear," Molly says smiling to me as she holds her hand out.

I place mine in hers and she pulls me close, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"What's going on Molly?" I whisper to her.

"They're pairing up," she explains, "They already have everyone paired except..."

"George, you partner up with Remus," Mad-Eye Moody says as he points his cane at George.

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